FIG Congress 2018


ISBN 978-87-92853-78-3
ISSN 2308-3441


Note: In technical sessions the author(s) presenting the paper have been marked in italic style.
Friday, 4 May
4 May
VISTA, Hilton Bosphorus

FIG Council Meeting
Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece

  • By invitation only
4 May
ŞADIRVAN A, Hilton Bosphorus

Reference Frames in Practice Seminar
Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Kahveci,
Prof. Dr. Volker Schwieger, (FIG)
Ms. Sharafat Gadimova (ICG)
Dr. Dan Roman (IAG)

The technical seminar aims at surveyors, spatial professionals, students and operational geodesists who are interested in learning more about practical aspects of reference frames from some of the world’s leading geodesists and geodetic surveyors. As well as covering reference frame basics, the two-day seminar focused particularly on dealing with deformation and datum unification

Saturday, 5 May
5 May
VISTA, Hilton Bosphorus

ACCO Meeting
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, United Kingdom

  • By invitation only

5 May
ŞADIRVAN B, Hilton Bosphorus

BIM for Surveyors
Chair: Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the way how surveyors work, think, collaborate and make money. Using and sharing multidimensional digital representations of buildings are the driving forces for the digitalization of our work. This affects many tasks surveyors and GIS professionals perform, e. g. cost estimation, GIS analysis, engineering surveying, construction work, land management and facilities management.

Scope of the Workshop:

  • Teaching theoretical background of the BIM method (concepts, workflows and standards)
  • Best practice presentations from large projects and SME (from surveyor’s point of view)
  • Presentation of the latest software (surveying, integration and collaboration with BIM, CAD, GIS)

  • Proceedings
5 May

4th FIG Young Surveyors Conference
Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria
Rapporteur: Ms. Melissa Harrington, New Zealand

Beyond Boundaries: The Changing Role of the Surveyor

In the fast paced world of today, technology is rapidly evolving and so is the role of surveyors. From basic mapping to geodesy and data analytics, surveyors play an important and diverse role in society and economy. The shrinking gap between consumer and professional geospatial applications is driving the need for greater awareness of surveyors and the important role they play. Surveyors of today support an informed society today, and tomorrow that leverages geospatial Information Management. The 4th Young Surveyors Conference is a two day event that provides an environment for Young Surveyors from different cultures, countries, academic qualifications, and professional experience to dialogue and discuss these changes and how they can play an integral role in the future, in a society where all information are managed geospatially.

For more information, please visit

Sunday, 6 May
6 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, 2 & 3, Istanbul Congress Center

General Assembly - part 1
Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece

7. President’s Report - [report]
8. Report of the President of the FIG Foundation 2017-2018 - [report]
9. Reports from the Directors of Permanent Institutions 2017-2018
10. Reports from the FIG Task Forces 2015-2018

  •  FIG Task Force on Corporate Members - [report]

11. Report from the Young Surveyors Network 2017-2018
12. Report from Standards and Regional Capacity Networks 2017-2018

  • FIG Standard Network by David Martin - [report]
  • Africa FIG Regional Capacity Development Network by Diane Dumashie - [report]
  • Asia/Pacific FIG Regional Capacity Development Network by Rob Sarib - [report]

13. Reports From FIG Commissions

  • Commission 1 -  [report]
  • Commission 2
  • Commission 3 -  [video]
  • Commission 4 -  [report]
  • Commission 5 -  [report]
  • Commission 6
  • Commission 7 -  [report]
  • Commission 8 -  [report]
  • Commission 9 -  [report]
  • Commission 10 -  [report]

14. Terms of Reference for Group to Work on FIG Governance - [report]
15. Co-Operation with the United Nations and the World Bank
16. Liaison with International Professional Organisations
17. New FIG Publications
18. FIG Accounts for 2017, Auditor’s Report And Budgets 2018-2021 &
19. Subscription Rates for 2020 - [presentation]
20. Election of Commission Chairs for the Term 2019-2022 - Presentation of Candidates

  • Commission 1: Winnie Shiu, CSSMG -  [presentation]
  •  China Commission 2: David Mitchell, SSSI, Australia
  • Commission 3: Hartmut Müller, DVW, Germany - [presentation]
  • Commission 4:
  • Commission 5: Daniel Roman, NSPS, USA - [presentation]
  • Commission 6: Maria João Henriques, OE-CEG, Portugal  - [presentation]
  • Commission 7: Daniel Paez, Colombian Society for Surveyors, Colombia - [presentation]
  • Commission 8: Marije Louwsma, GIN, the Netherlands  - [presentation]
  • Commission 9: Ben Elder, RICS, UK  - [presentation]
  • Commission 10: Alan Muse, RICS, UK [video]

21. Election of Vice Presidents for the Term 2019-2022 - Presentation of Candidates

22. Election of President for the Term 2019-2022 - Presentation of Candidates

23. Decision on the Venue for FIG Congress 2022 – Presentation of Candidates

  • Cape Town, South Africa, The South African Geomatics Institute (SAGI) - [video]
  • Orlando, Florida, USA, National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) -[video] [presentation]
6 May

Charity Dance
...put on your chance shoes

WE WANT TO DO GOOD – and give back.
With this charity dance we will support Humanitarian Open- StreetMap Local community “Yer Çizenler Herkes İçin Haritacılık Derneği” and FIG Foundation.

THE HUMANITARIAN OPENSTREETMAP TEAM (HOT) applies the principles of open source and open data sharing for humanitarian response and economic development.

FIG FOUNDATION is an independent body under FIG established for raising funds to finance surveying education development projects and supporting young surveyors.

6 May
Pool Side - Hilton Bosphorus İstanbul

Welcome Reception

Participants of FIG 2018 Congress are invited to a Welcome Reception at the Hilton Bosphorus İstanbul Pool Side to inspire the smell of Bosphorus. Hilton Bosphorus İstanbul is the first five-star hotel of the city. It is operating since June, 1955.

Monday, 7 May
7 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

Newcomers Session
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President, United Kingdom

New to the FIG Congress?

Join us at the session for newcomers on Tuesday, 7 May to meet members of the council, the FIG Office and other participants who will experience the FIG Congress for the first time. Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about FIG, on how to maximize your conference experience and making most of your attendance. First time attendees will be introduced to the programme, the keynote speakers, the sessions tracks, the roundtable discussions, the sponsors and social events.

The official Opening Ceremony of the conference will immediately follow the newcomers session. We look forward to seeing you there!

7 May
HARBIYE AUDITORIUM, Istanbul Congress Center

Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony will provide a spectacular introduction to the Congress, its theme, and its unique location - a festive start of the Week.

7 May

Morning Break

7 May
HARBIYE AUDITORIUM, Istanbul Congress Center

Plenary Session 1 - Urban Development
Chair: Ms. Oylum Talu, Turkey

Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President -
Achievements - FIG 2015-2018
[abstract] [handouts] [bio] [recording]

Prof. Ali Parsa, Dean of the School of Real Estate and Land Management Royal Agricultural University  - The Fourth Industrial Revolution and impact on Urban Development: the Role of Real Estate
[abstract] [handouts] [bio] [recording]

Dr. Mustafa Palancıoğlu, Mayor of Talas, Kayseri - Urban Regeneration Process in Turkey - replacing Mr. Mehmet Özhasekí,  Minister, Ministry of Environment and Urbanization
[abstract] [handouts] [bio] [recording]

7 May


7 May
YILDIZ 1, Istanbul Congress Center

Open Meeting on Education Training and Capacity Building in Geodesy (UN-GGIM & FIG)
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden

In order to implement the UN resolution Global Geodetic Reference Frame for sustainable Development, the UN Subcommittee on Geodesy has started five focus groups. One of the groups is on Education, Training and Capacity Building. The group is focusing on finding out the needs to ensure that there are enough competence concerning knowledge on geodetic infrastructure both on a global, regional and national level. This meeting will be an open meeting to discuss the work so far as well as certain needs that a country would like to raise.

7 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

High Level Session Volunteer Community Surveyor Program (VCSP) (UN-Habitat GLTN & FIG YSN)
Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria
Rapporteur: Mr. John Gitau, UN-Habitat GLTN, Kenya

Together with Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), the FIG Young Surveyors Network (FIG YSN) established a competence based volunteer program for Young Surveyors also known as Volunteer Community Surveyor Program (VCSP). VCSP is an innovative volunteer program that is a powerful driver for both social impact and professional development. The VCSP leverages on the skills, experience, talents and education of young surveyors, matches this competence with the needs of GLTN, particularly in GLTN’s county level implementation plans and programs.

This session is all about the Feedback/Reflection on the Volunteer Program, which was a small-scale, short-term pilot that helped GLTN/UN-Habitat and FIG YSN to learn how a large-scale program might work in practice. This pilot provided a platform for all stakeholders to test logistics, prove value and reveal benefits. The Volunteer Community Surveyor Program was scheduled for a one-year period and after that a committee evaluated the program. The impact and the evaluation will be presented during this session which will follow by a roundtable focusing on the future of the Volunteer Program.



  • Eva-Maria Unger, FIG Young Surveyors Network - [handouts]
  • Oumar Sylla, UN-Habitat GLTN

VCSP Experiences

  • Adama Sarr, VCS in DRC
  • Shivajee KC, VCS in Nepal -  [handouts]
  • Jordan Friis, VCS in Nepal  -  [handouts]
  • Brenda Ayo, VCS in Uganda

Open Discussion
Impact and Evaluation of VCSP

  • John Hohol, FIG Foundation
  • Danilo Antonio, UN-Habitat GLTN
  • Louise Friis-Hansen, FIG Office
Closing Remarks
Monday, 7 May
MMACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Country to Country: Partnerships to Support Land Administration System Investment (World Bank & FIG)
Chair: Mr. Keith Clifford Bell, Thailand
Rapporteur: Dr. Orhan Ercan, Turkey

Objective of the Session:
To discuss country-country partnerships to support land administration system institutional development and capacity building, with specific lessons from the Afghanistan-Turkish experiences 2016-2018 and drawing on further global experiences from session participants.


  • Dr Keith Clifford Bell, World Bank

Opening Address

  • Mr. Mehmet Zeki Adlı, Director General, TKGM, Turkey

Keynote Speaker

  • Mr. Jawad Peikar, CEO ARAZI, Afghanistan

Short Video presentation

Invited Speaker

  • Mr. Sedat Bakici, Head, IT Department, TKGM, Turkey

Discussant: Dr. Malcolm Childress, Land Alliance, USA
Open Discussion – Global Experiences
Final Remarks: Mr. Jawad Peikar
Close: Dr. Keith Bell

7 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Platinum Member Session - TRIMBLE

Field to Finish with Confidence: Enhanced Productivity with Trimble

Trimble presents its approach for transforming survey and engineering workflows by integrating technology solutions to provide cadastral and construction professionals with greater productivity.


  • Mr. Boris Skopljak, United States
  • Ms. Stephanie Michaud, United States

7 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS01A: Ethics and the Practicing Surveyor
Commission: 1
Chair: Ms. Winnie Shiu, Hong Kong SAR, China
Rapporteur: Ms. Kate Fairlie, United Kingdom

Gary Strong (United Kingdom):
Why Ethics Standards are of Limited Use on their own for Professionals Working in Land, Property and Construction - and if to be Effective how such Standards Need to be Embedded, Monitored and Regulated Against Workshop with real life case studies (9396)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Robert W. Foster (USA):
Globalized Ethics (9204)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Habtemicael Weldegiorgis (Eritrea):
The Importance of Notary Public in the Eritrean Cadastre System (9205)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kengo Okada (Japan):
Importance of Survey Marker Standard for ISO or FIG as Defacto Standard (9370)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS01B: Surveying Education: Challenges and Opportunities
Commission: 2
Chair: Prof. Jennifer Whittal, South Africa
Rapporteur: Mr. Marinus de Bakker, Netherlands

John Hohol (USA):
The FIG Foundation Building a Sustainable Future: A Report on Activities Supported by FIG Foundation Grants (9177)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Yakubu Issaka, Yao Yevenyo Ziggah and Kwame Tenadu (Ghana):
Education for Spatial Planning and Design: Integrating Surveying and Mapping Sciences as a Foundation (9676)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Beckhee Cho (Republic of Korea):
The Nation Land Capacity Building Model for Informatization – an ICT based model to strengthen human resource capacity for the sustainability of land administration modernization projects (9677)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS01C: Crowdsourcing - VGI and E-Governance
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Germany
Rapporteur: Dr. Enrico Rispoli, Italy

The Crowdsourcing and Volunteered Geographic Information methodologies are developing exponentially. The presentations illustrate some case studies highlighting the advantages and reliability of this practice in e.governance.

Serhat Cabuk, Coskun Kiraci, Mustafa Kaya, Mustafa Erdogan and Oktay Eker (Turkey):
A Study on The Usability of Digital Elevation Models Obtained From Open Sources in the Production of Contours : Comparison of ALOS and SRTM DEM Data (9259)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Wasim Shoman, Fatih Kafali and Fatih Gulgen (Turkey):
Spatial Open Data Initiative for Turkey (9388)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fanise Uslu, S. Savas Durduran and Asli Bozdag (Turkey):
Investigation of the Spatial Address Recording System (SARS) Project Process to Be Base the Urban Information System (uis) (9442)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nick Land (United Kingdom):
Reimagining the Implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) (9577)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Deniztan Ulutas, Gülten Kara, Cemre Yilmaz and Çetin Comert (Turkey):
Semantic Linking Spatial RDF Data to The Web Data Sources (9585)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS01D: Hydrographic Standards and Marine Surveying
Commission: 4
Chair: Ms. Angela Etuonovbe, Nigeria
Rapporteur: Mr. Ibrahim Öztug Bildirici, Turkey

In today's world, safety is of utmost concern and hydrographic surveying results are used to determine the level of safety in our water bodies, hence the need for good ethical practices.

Ashraf Abdallah (Egypt) and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Improving Hydrographic PPP by Height Constraining (9192)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Vrignaud Christophe (France) and Ironside Simon (New Zealand):
Updating IHO Publication S-44, Standards for Hydrographic Surveys - Planning for the Future of Safe Navigation (9291)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nicola Marco Pizzeghello (Italy), Afif Ghaith (Lebanon), Lamberto Orlando Lamberti (Italy), Elie Jbeily and Christian Fahed (Lebanon):
Building a New National Hydrographic Service: the Italian-Lebanese Collaboration (9373)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mood Noor Isa, Director General of Survey and Mapping Malaysia, Azhari Mohamed, Director of Survey (Boundaries Affairs Division) and Nawi Abdullah, Assistant Director of Survey (Boundaries Affairs) (Malaysia):
Selection of Algorithms to Determine Foot of the Continental Slope to Delineate the Extended of the Continental Shelf (9588)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gordon Johnston (United Kingdom):
Ocean Surveying - Where to Start across the deep blue Ocean? (9623)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mustafa Iptes (Monaco):
Importance of Land-sea Interface and Improving Data Gathering, Data Management, Maritime Spatial Data (9722)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Kahveci, Turkey
Rapporteur: Ms. Li Zhang, Germany

Ali Alomar (Saudi Arabia), Ramazan Yanar (Turkey), Sami Albalawi and Saeed Alzahrani (Saudi Arabia):
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia GNSS Real-Time Kinematic Network (MRTN) and Beyond (a Case Study for High Accuracy Vrs Correction Test) (9331)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ayhan Ceylan (Turkey):
CORS Networks and Investigation of Point Positioning Accuracy of Konya Permanent Gnss Network (KOSAGA) (9624)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sebastian Senyo Botsyo, John Ayer and Bernard Borketey Bortei (Ghana):
Cors Usage for GPS Survey in Greater Accra Region: Advantages, Limitation & Suggested Remedies (9178)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ercenk Ata, Atinc Pirti and Ramazan Gursel Hosbas (Turkey):
Testing Height Accuracy in CORS-TR Technique (9293)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sedat Bakici, Tahsin Kara, Serdar Erguner, Ali Ilbey and Erkan Kulaksiz (Turkey):
Evaluation Business Model of TUSAGA-Aktif (CORS-Tr) (9286)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mpaka Erekosima and Benjamin Onoriode (Nigeria):
GPS CORS Technology Implementation in the Oil Industry- Benefits and Challenges (9459)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sedat Bakici, Bilal Erkek, Alper Altekin and Volkan Manti (Turkey):
Challenges in Data Communication and Cyber Security of TUSAGA-Aktif (CORS-Tr) (9287)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS01G: Modern Land Registration Techniques
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Dr. Vladimira Zufanova, Czech Republic

Ela Ertunç and Tayfun Çay (Turkey):
Hybrid Method Application in Land Consolidation Studies (9180)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ismail Dursun (Turkey):
Standardization of Property Qualities (9190)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands), Walter de Vries (Germany) and Rohan Bennett (Australia):
Dynamics in Responsible Land Administration; Change at Five Levels (9349)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hiroyuki Hasegawa and Marie Sato (Japan):
Cadastre2014 Japan to Osaka- ALKIS type Cadastre (9390)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hicret Gursoy Surmeneli, Zeynel Abidin Polat and Mehmet Alkan (Turkey):
How to Be Created a New Terminology for 3- and 4- Dimensional Cadastre in Turkey (9487)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Amani Michael Uisso and Harun Tanrivermis (Turkey):
Assessment of Land Distribution and Demand in the Land Based Sector and Its Policy Implications in Tanzania (9664)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fredrik Zetterquist (Sweden):
Fit-For-Future Land Administration: Unlocking the Benefits of Sustainable, Cost-Effective Technologies (9697)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS01I: Technological Change in Land Administration, Valuation and Financial Technology
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States
Rapporteur: Mr. Manohar Velpuri, Denmark

The advances in Land Administration, Valuation and Financial Technology are shaping the way we will all do business in the future. This session embraces cutting edge ideas to show us how our industries are adapting to the digital age.

Akın Ozturk, Yunus Emre Kapusuz and Harun Tanrivermis (Turkey):
An Analysis of Construction and Real Estate Sectors Using Input - Output Tables in Turkey and a Comparison with Oecd Countries (9671)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Manohar Velpuri (Denmark), Madhu Aman Sharma (Cambodia), Chetan Maringanti (Switzerland), Surya Bhamidipati (India) and Yee Hoong Chin (Singapore):
Fintech for Geo-spatial Transformation and Real Estate Management (9184)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Miroslav Kobasa, Sergei Shavrov and Olga Batura (Belarus):
ISO19152 Standard: Role of LA_ExtValuation Class for Land Administration (9336)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Yusuf Cicek and Tayfun Cay (Turkey):
Transfer of Development Rights and Challenges in Turkey (9295)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May

Afternoon Break

7 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

Asia Pacific Capacity Development Network Special Forum
Chair: Mr. Rob Sarib, Australia [handouts]

The main purpose of this forum is to discover and share information on FIG activities that are occurring in Asia and the Pacific region. The following will make 5 slides - 5 minutes presentation:

  • Rob Sarib, FIG AP CDN / SSSI [handouts]
    Overview of Challenges and Trends
  • Richard Pan, Hi Target Global [handouts]
    Role of Manufacturers
  • Fredrik Zetterquist, Ordinance Survey-UK [handouts]
    How to secure land administration capacity in a rapidly changing environment?
  • Ryan Ruddick, UN GGIM AP WG1 / Geoscience Australia [handouts]
    Geoscience Australia's (GA) Future Plans
  • Mikael Lilje, UN GGRF / FIG [handouts]
    The Objectives of the UN SubCommittee on Geodesy
  • Basara Miyahara, UN GGIM AP WG1 / GSI [handouts]
    Geospatial Information Authority of Japan Future Plans
  • Viliami Folau, PGSC / Tonga
    Positive Impacts from International Organisations on Surveying
  • Asakaia Tabua, PGSC / Fiji [handouts]
    Paradigm Shift on Surveying Profession in Fiji
  • Graeme Blick, UN ETCB / LINZ [handouts]
    Land Information New Zealand's (LINZ) Role
  • Allison Craddock, UN ETCB / JPL NASA
    UN Education Training Capacity Building (ETCB) program
  • Victor Khoo, Singapore Land Authority [handouts]
    Role of the Singaporean Surveyor in the Digital World
  • Kate Farlie, Land Equity International [handouts]
    Qualifications and Mutual Recognition
  • Nic Donnelly, FIG Comm 5 / LINZ [handouts]
    FIG Comm 5 Participation
  • Andrick Lal, PGSC / Pacific Community [handouts]
    PGSC Strategy 2017-2027
Discussion on -
  • What are the priorities of our network?
  • How can these be achieved?
  • Who needs to be involved?

7 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

Volunteer Community Surveyor Program (VCSP) Roundtable (UN-Habitat GLTN & FIG YSN)
Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria
Rapporteur: GLTN

This session is a continuation of the previous High Level Session VCSP. During this session it is all about the Future of the Volunteer Program, which was a small-scale, short-term pilot that helped GLTN/UN-Habitat and FIG YSN to learn how a large-scale program might work in practice. The session also aims to build collaboration with private stakeholders and universities for a possible large-scale program.


  • Eva-Maria Unger, FIG Young Surveyors Network
  • Oumar Sylla, UN-Habitat GLTN

Panel Discussion
Representatives from

  • UN-Habitat GLTN
  • FIG Council
  • FIG Foundation
  • Corporate Members
  • International Organisation
  • VCSP

Way Ahead

Closing Remarks

7 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS02C: Spatial Data Infrastructure
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis, Greece
Rapporteur: Mr. Daniele Brancato, Italy

Over the last decade a number of countries and states have successfully established complete spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) incorporating core digital map bases such as the cadastre or land parcel layer, topography, hydrology, road networks and administrative boundaries. This session will present the results of management experience and quality control of the structures for local and national administrations.

Emin Bank (Turkey):
Spatial Data Management From Local To Center (9202)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ali Toksoy, Onur Lenk, Hüseyin Bayraktar, Mahir Güney and Erkan Tın (Turkey):
INSPIRing Geospatial Framework for Local Administrations (9255)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Lopang Maphale and Kealeboga Kaizer Moreri (Botswana):
A Consideration for a Conceptual Partnership Framework in Building Spatial Data Infrastructures in Developing Countries (9288)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Fabio Bittencourt and Jaana Mäkelä (Finland):
How to assure quality and reliability for Spatial Data Infrastructures of Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registry organizations (9359)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jaana Mäkelä and Fabio Bittencourt (Finland):
Recognizing the Success of Spatial Data Infrastructures (9543)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS02D: Technologies and Sensors for Hydrography
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Gordon Johnston, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Ms. Abdullah Nawi, Malaysia

Hydrographic surveys are required for various purposes.Modern technologies enable hydrographers to extract more information from collected data for better analysis and implementation.

Amos Ugwuoti, Lecturer 1, OLiver Ojinnaka, Professor and Angela Etuonevbe, Ph.D Student (Nigeria):
Effect of Sonar Beamwidth and Slopping Sea Bed on the Accuracy of Bathymetric Survey (9196)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Amalina Izzati Abdul Hamid, Ami Hassan Md Din and Kamaludin Mohd Omar (Malaysia):
Interpreting the Sea Level Variability over Malaysian Seas using Multi-mission Satellite Altimeter (9253)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Murat Uysal, Veli İlçi, İbrahim Murat Ozulu, Serdar Erol and Reha Metin Alkan (Turkey):
3D Shoreline Mapping Using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (9460)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gordana Jakovljević (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Miro Govedarica and Dušan Jovanović (Serbia):
The Role of Geospatial Technology in the EU Water Frame Directive Implementation (9599)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Stefan Wei and Adin Lee, Product Manager (China, PR):
The Unmaned Surface Vessel used in Hydrographic Surveying (9630)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS02E: GNSS Measurements Technique
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Dr. Mualla Yalcinkaya, Turkey
Rapporteur: Dr. Suelynn Choy, Australia

Atınç Pırtı, Ercenk Ata and Ramazan Gürsel Hoşbaş (Turkey):
Evaluation of the Accuracy and Performance of GPS/GNSS Antennas (9280)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Yasuhiro Onaka, Section Chief, Basara Miyahara, Director, Naohiro Tada, Section Staff, Tomoaki Furuya, Deputy Director and Kohei Miyagawa, Executive Officer (Japan):
Improvement of GNSS Positioning Accuracy Under Urban Environment by Multipath Mitigation Methods (9382)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mohamed Abdelazeem (Egypt), Rahmi Çelik (Turkey) and Ahmed El-Rabbany (Canada):
Performance Evaluation of Two Interpolation Techniques for GPS/BeiDou-Based Regional TEC Model (9238)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper and the paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Sofiane Khelifa (Algeria):
Investigation of Atmospheric and Hydrological Loading Signals in the Annual Signal of GPS Station Positions (9375)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mustafa Ulukavak and Mualla Yalcinkaya (Turkey):
Analysis of Ionospheric Anomalies due to Space Weather Conditions by using GPS-TEC Variations (9563)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS02F: Engineering Surveys for Design, Constructive Works and Exploitation of Buildings and Transportation Infrastructure
Commission: 6
Chair: Ms. Maria Joao Henriques, Portugal
Rapporteur: Mr. Li Guanqing, China PR

Guanqing Li and Shengxiang Huang (China, PR):
Control Survey for a 6.7 Km Immersed Tunnel in Chinese Lingding Ocean (9227)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Weber Armin and Lerch Thomas (Switzerland):
Comparing Workflow and Point Cloud Outputs of the Trimble SX10 TLS and senseFly eBee Plus Drone (9271)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Chao Chen, PhD candidate, Llewellyn Tang, Associate Professor, Craig.M. Hancock, Professor (United Kingdom), Jingjing Yan, PhD candidate, Huib de Ligt, senior researcher (Netherlands) and Penghe Zhang, PhD candidate (China, PR):
2D-based Indoor Mobile Laser Scanning for Construction Mapping Application (9278)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Saiful Wazlan Wahab, Muhammad Nur Hidayat Zahari, Aziman Madun, Mohd Noor Isa and Azlim Khan (Malaysia):
Detection and Characterization of Pipe Using Time-Domain Reflection Wave (9481)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Lorenz Schmid, Nino Kracher and David Salido-Monzú (Switzerland):
Development and Evaluation of a Geodetic Measurement System for IMU-Based High-Precision Azimuth Transfer (9456)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS02G: Restoring Rights in Risk Zones and Agricultural Regions
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Daniel Paez, Colombia
Rapporteur: Ms. Paula Dijkstra, Netherlands

Dimo Todorovski (Netherlands), Jean Guillaume Manirakiza (France), Jaap Zevenbergen and Luc Boerboom (Netherlands):
The Role of Land Records in Support of Post-Conflict Land Administration within overall State Building – the Case of Rwanda (9206)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Lina María González, Luis Ángel Guzmán, Luis Eduardo Yamín and Ricardo Camacho (Colombia):
The Influence of Land Use Planning on Disaster Risk Due to Natural Hazards: Bogotá, Case of Study. (9649)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sandra Rodriguez, Daniel Paez and Ricardo Camacho (Colombia):
Analysis of the Multipurpose Cadastre Use for Risk and Disaster Management in Colombia (9650)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Zhihong Zhang (China, PR):
Comprehensive Land Consolidation as a Tool for Rural Restructuring: Lessons from MHPFP in Jiangsu, China (9694)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS02I: The Intersection of Land Valuation and Real Estate Infrastructure
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States
Rapporteur: Mr. Vasily Nilipovskiy, Russian Federation

Land valuation underpins many diverse sectors of the economic infrastructure of a national economy. This session will explore some of the more unusual valuation methodologies and institutional support systems as used within the national economic infrastructure.

Harun Tanrivermis and Yesim Aliefendioglu (Turkey):
Management of Commercial Real Estate and Analysis of Main Management Problems of Commercial Real Estate: the Example of Shopping Mall Investments in Ankara Province (9667)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sergey Volkov and Vasily Nilipovskiy (Russia):
Institutional Changes in the Russian Market of Land and Real Estate (9698)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

James Kavanagh (United Kingdom), Michael McDermott (Australia) and Franklin Obeng-Odoom (Ghana):
RICS Research Valuation of Unregistered Land – the Reality of Functioning Informal Land and Property Markets in Ghana, Peru & Indonesia (9365)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gert M. Henningsen (Denmark):
Expropriation of Land Rights for Implementation of Mega Infrastructure Projects - the Case of the Fehmarn Belt Connection Between Denmark and Germany (9644)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Abdullah Kara, Ümit Işıkdağ, Volkan Çağdaş (Turkey), Peter van Oosterom, Christiaan Lemmen (Netherlands) and Stubkjær Erik (Denmark):
Towards Turkish LADM Valuation Information Model Country Profile (9575)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS02J: Project, Construction and Risk Management
Commission: 10
Chair: Ing. Robert Sinkner, Czech Republic
Rapporteur: Mr. Ruya Fadason, Nigeria

Olufisayo Adewumi Adedokun, Isaac Olaniyi Aje and Oladele Johnson Agboola (Nigeria):
Appraising Risk Mitigating Measures for Building Projects in Rivers State, Nigeria (9179)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper and was not presented at FIG Congress.

Deborah Oluwafunke Adedokun and Oladele Johnson Agboola (Nigeria):
Identifying Key Significant Factors Predisposing Building Projects to Risks in Rivers State, Nigeria (9231)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Olufemi Oyedele (Nigeria):
A Study of Control Measures of Building Collapse in Lagos State, Nigeria (9284)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

See Lian Ong (Malaysia):
Critical Success factors in project Delivery
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

7 May

Traditional Turkish Evening - FIG Foundation Dinner

The foundation of the Military Museum , which is one of the leading museums of the world in terms of the richness of its collections, dates back to the 15th century, though not in the modern sense. After Istanbul was conquered by the Turks in 1453, the Saint Irene Church was organized as a 'Cebehane', an armory, in which valuable war armaments, tools and equipment were stored. In 1726, all the materials in Cebehane were reorganized and a new foundation, called 'Dar-ül Esliha', the Place of Arms, was established. The foundations of Turkish museology in modern sense were laid down in 1846 by the efforts of Artillery Marshall Ahmet Fethi Pasha and this date has become the foundation of Turkish museology and the Military Museum for the first time in real sense.

A four-course delicious Turkish dinner menu will be served during the dinner. Unforgettable moments with good music and traditional shows will be waiting for you with the amazing atmosphere of the Museum.

  • Registration is required. Tickets available for purchase from the Registration Desk.

Tuesday, 8 May
8 May
YILDIZ 3, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Foundation Meeting
Chair: Mr. John Hohol, FIG Foundation President

  • By invitation

8 May
ELMADAĞ 2.1 - FIG President Room, Istanbul Congress Center

STDM Advisory Committee Meeting

  • By invitation

8 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Africa Capacity Development Network - Breakfast Meeting
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, United Kingdom

Tea and Poğaça served for the FIG 2018 networking meeting of African Land professionals with the following objectives.
to overview activities through out the term 2015- 18, celebrating our hosts from Kenya, Ivory Coast and Rwanda, to engage with our key partners including Africa YSN to hear about the 2018 workshop proposal from Botswana and to discuss the next term ARN leadership from South Africa and Ghana.

8 May
YILDIZ 1, Istanbul Congress Center

Editorial Board Meeting - Peer Review
Chair: Prof. Volker Schwieger, Germany

  • By invitation only

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, 2 & 3, Istanbul Congress Center

Plenary Session 2 - Modern Technology Usage for our Profession
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, FIG Vice President

Dr. Juergen Dold, President Hexagon Geosystems -
Transformation through Digitalisation 
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

Dr. SeeLian Ong, Chair, FIG Commission 10 -
ICMS - Global Consistency in Measurement and Reporting Construction Cost
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

Prof. Charles K. Toth, Vice President ISPRS
Smart Cities
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

8 May

Morning Break

8 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Young Surveyors: The Future of our Network
Commission: Young Surveyors
Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria
Rapporteur: Ms. Melissa Harrington, United States

The FIG YSN, established as a Network in 2006, is "young" and growing. Throughout its third term, the FIG YSN aim was to build a sustainable Network. One large change over the past four years was the election process and term for the Chair of the FIG YSN from four years, to two which was decided at the FIG Working Week 2017 in Helsinki. These changes have built a strong foundation and therefore we would like to review the achievements of the FIG YSN over the past four years, and look ahead to the future and future agenda of the FIG YSN.

8 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Director Generals Forum
Chair: Mr. Arvo Kokkonen, Finland

The Rapid Technological Development Challenges the Management/Leadership

In line with the overall theme of the Congress, the DG Forum this year will focus on the role of National Geospatial Agencies today and in the future. We are sure that this theme, even though broad, is valid and could create some good discussions. The Forum allows peer-to-peer engagement to address the challenges and opportunities of the times including the responsibility of national agencies to stay relevant and effective within its jurisdiction.

At the Director General Forum there will be three introductory presentations to inspire the discussions.

  • By invitation

Arvo Kokkonen, Moderator and Director General & Chief Executive (Finland):
The Possibilities of Robotisation and Automated Decision Making, Case Finland (9714)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

John Kedar, Ordnance Survey (United Kingdom):
Future National Geospatial Agencies: Shaping their Contribution to Society and the Sustainable Development Goals (9648)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Brent Jones, ESRI (USA):
Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and Robotization (9715)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Member Association Forum
Chair: Prof. Muzaffer Kahveci, Turkey
Rapporteur: Mr. Muhittin Ipek, Turkey

The 2018 FIG Member Associations Forum provides national leaders of our Profession the opportunity for peer-to-peer engagement to exchange share and discuss current and in-country challenges and opportunities facing the Profession. Presidents, Chairpersons, Heads of Delegations (or their representatives) representing FIG Member Associations at the 41st FIG General Assembly can interact and exchange experiences, initiatives and programmes that aimed at uplifting professional stature and standing, and allowing the Profession to enhance its significance and relevance within its jurisdiction.

  • By invitation

8 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Platinum Member Session - LEICA GEOSYSTEMS
Chair: Dr. Craig Hill, Switzerland

The latest innovations from Leica Geosystems

With a history that goes back almost 200 years, Leica Geosystems has developed many innovative world firsts that are used by Surveyors every day to make their daily tasks more productive. This presentation will include the latest world first innovations from Leica Geosystems… when it has to be right.


8 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS03A: Sustainability/International Boundaries
Commission: 1
Chair: Ms. Robyn McCutcheon, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Brian Coutts, New Zealand

Arabelle Dada-Amos, Marc Gervais and Jacynthe Pouliot (Canada):
Current Practices of Land Surveyors: part of Sustainable Development? (9474)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gary Strong (United Kingdom):
Why an International Standard on Fire Safety (IFSS) is Needed (9395)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Cecilie Ravn-Christensen and Kenneth Norre (Denmark):
The Role of the Private Land-Related Sector in Supporting the 2030 Global Agenda (9309)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Buddhi N Shrestha (Nepal):
Case Study : International Boundary Survey and Demarcation of South-eastern portion of Nepal with India (9297)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS03C: Land Administration System - SIM - BIM - 3D Models
Commission: 3
Chair: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Germany
Rapporteur: Prof. Pietro Grimaldi, Italy

The Session will report on the experiences of government based on the use of the most up-to-date tools and the most advanced procedures for planning sustainable development and land control with Building Information Modeling (BIM) and 3D models.

Alias Abdul Rahman, Hairi Karim (Malaysia), Ali Jamali (Iran), Gurcan Buyuksalih and Serdar Bayburt (Turkey):
Conceptual Framework Towards Unified 3D Topological Modelling and Visualization Based on CityGML (9250)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Elena Busch (Norway), Maria Ovdii (Moldova) and Helge Onsrud (Norway):
Ten Years of Norwegian Assistance to the Land Sector in Moldova: Assessment of the Results Supporting Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (9308)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Khalid Ahmed Alkalbani, Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia), Talal Al-Awadhi and Fuad Alshannaq (Oman):
Implementing 3D Spatial Data Infrastructure for Oman - Issues and Challenges (9416)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Aygün İrem Yavuz, İsmail Hakan Erden and Gülşen Öztürk (Turkey):
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock - General Directorate of Agricultural Reform - Control/Confirmity Screen of Geographic İnformation Systems Application (9417)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Cromwell Manaloto (Italy):
BDI Project: the Socioeconomic Impact of Valuation Comparable Analysis in GIS (9652)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS03E: Multi-GNSS
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Suelynn Choy, Australia
Rapporteur: Mr. Bilgehan Makineci, Turkey

Eldar Rubinov, Julia Mitchell, John Dawson (Australia), Matt Amos (New Zealand) and Phil Collier (Australia):
Overview of the Australian and New Zealand SBAS Testbed (9545)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Danijel Šugar (Croatia), Boris Skopljak (USA) and Željko Bačić (Croatia):
Multi-Constellation GNSS Baseline Solutions – a Perspective from the User's and Developer's Point of View (9450)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gethin Wyn Roberts (Faroe Islands), Craig Hancock and X Tang (China, PR):
Comparison of Triple Frequency GNSS Carrier Phase and Pseudorange noise using various satellite constellations. (9452)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Zhao Dong Sheng, Craig Hancock (China, PR), Gethin Roberts (Faroe Islands) and Lawrence Lau (China, PR):
Benefits of Triple-Frequency for Cycle-Slip Detection (9503)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Weifang Yang, Jinmei Wang, Haowen Yan, Dean of faculty of Geomatics, Wei Guojun and Yang Guolin (China, PR):
On Optimization of Six-Segment Baselines (9449)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS03G: Protection of Land Rights
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Kees De Zeeuw, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Habtemicael Weldegiorgis, Eritrea

Okan Yildiz and Yakup Emre Coruhlu (Turkey):
Public Restrictions on Transfer of Agricultural Lands in Turkey (9264)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

Ludmila Pietrzak and Pawel Hanus (Poland):
Protection of the Property Right in Poland (9345)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nikola Vučić and Damir Šantek (Croatia):
Cadastral Survey - the best Way of Cadastre Modernization (9463)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Amir Bar-Maor (Netherlands):
Improving Cadastral Quality Management as a Foundation for Citizen’s Trust (9556)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Abdullah Burak Keser and Fatma Zehra Gülsever (Turkey):
As a Measure Land Consolidation for Land Management at Rural Areas in Turkey (9614)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Zhihong Zhang (China, PR):
Cultivated Land Protection of New Era Contributes to the Property Rights Reform of the Farmland (9696)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

8 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS03H: Water, Energy and Resource Governance and Use
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana
Rapporteur: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Netherlands

India's great moral leader Mahatma Gandhi famously said that there is enough on Earth for everybody's need, but not enough for everybody's greed. Today, Gandhi's insight is being put to the test as never before. A need is something that a person cannot live without such as Water; Food; Clothing; Roof over one's head. A want is something that you can live without but do not prefer to. Sustainable development calls on nations to plan in a sustainable manner. This session provides insights and discussions on resource management.

Norezzayana Rohaizat and Mohd Faisal Abdul Khanan (Malaysia):
Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Monitoring Water Quality of Skudai River, Malaysia (9236)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Zhengfeng Zhang (China, PR):
Factors Influencing Rural Households’ Willingness of Centralized Residence: Comparing Pure and Nonpure Farming Areas in China (9518)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Joseph Osei Ababio and Kofi Bonsu (Ghana):
Change Detection Analysis on the Impact of Illegal Mining (Galamsey) in Ghana; Case Study focusing on Land cover Changes in some Selected Districts within the Country. (9636)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Harun Tanrivermis, Yunus Emre Kapusuz and Akın Ozturk (Turkey):
Distribution of Farm Lands, Landlessness and Land Acquisition in Rural Areas: Current Situation in and a Model Proposal for Turkey (9670)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

Turkish Speaking and Mid Asian Countries Workshop l
Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, Turkey

Ms. Sonja Dimova, State advisor for NSDI at the Agency for Real Estate Cadastre.
Geodetic, Mapping and Cadastral Activities in the Republic of Macedonia

Prof. Dr. Murat Meha, Director General
Kosovo Cadaste Land Information System towards Services Oriented Architecture

To be presented by the State Committee on Property Issues
Information System of E-Cadastre Registration of Lands in Azerbaijan

Mr. Abdıev Almaz, Department of Cadaster and Registration of Rights to Immovable property, Kyrgyz Republic
Improving Land Governance in the Kyrgyz Republic

Mr. Gankhuu Tsevelsodnom, Director General, Agency for Land Administration and Management, Geodesy and Cartography
The Current Status of Mapping Services in Mongolia

Mr. Jawad Peikar, Chief Executive Officer Afghanistan Independent Land Authority, ARAZI
Institutional Development Programme for Land Administration

Mr. Mehmet Zeki Adlı, Director General
Resent developments in Turkish Cadastre

Dr. Malcolm Childress, Executive Director, Land Alliance
Global experiences in Advising and Supporting Land Projects

8 May


8 May
YILDIZ 3, Istanbul Congress Center

GLTN Professional Cluster Meeting
Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece

The GLTN Professional Cluster has 13 members and is currently led by FIG. In this meeting the current and future GLTN cluster activities will be discussed.

8 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Standards Network Session
Chair: Dr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand

The FIG Standards Network meets regularly to discuss relevant standards in the Survey Profession. The terms of reference of the Network are:

  • Building and maintaining relations with the secretariats of standardisation bodies,
  • Proposing priorities on FIG's standardisation activities, including advising the Council on priorities for spending,
  • Setting up necessary Liaison relationships with standardisation bodies,
  • Ensuring that lead contacts to Technical Committees etc… are in place,
  • Maintaining an information flow on standardisation to FIG members, including through the FIG website, and more directly to relevant Commission Officers,
  • Maintaining the FIG Standardization Guide, and related material on the FIG website,
  • Working with other NGOs, within the framework of the MOUs signed by the Council,
  • Advising FIG's officers and members on standardisation activities as necessary.

All those interested in standards and their influence on the surveying profession are cordially invited to attend the meeting.

8 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG YSN Mapathon with HOT & Yer Cizenler
Chair: Mr. Hüseyin Can Ünen, Turkey
Rapporteur: Ms. Ferah Pırlanta Köksal, Turkey

Yer Çizenler, partnering with Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), is aiming to improve the base data in Turkey by strengthening the OSM user base, and to provide maps and location based products to vulnerable communities in a humanitarian context. The workshop will consists of a small mapathon covering the basic editing tools on OpenStreetMap followed by visualization and map design using the digitized data on GIS.

Attendees must bring their own laptops and are encouraged to install QGIS (or any other GIS software) beforehand.

8 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration (UN-Habitat/GLTN, Kadaster and FIG)
Chair: Mr. Kees de Zeeuw, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Danilo Antonio, Kenya


  • To further sensitize stakeholders on the need for FFP approach to land administration;
  • To identify gaps and challenges, opportunities and appropriate actions in the adoption and implementation of FFP land administration in their own government departments
  • To agree on the next steps and way forward to operationalize the FFP guidelines.
Introduction - Session objectives

Oumar Sylla, Head, GLTN Secretariat
Overview of GLTN and its New Strategy
[handouts] [video]

Stig Enemark, Past President of FIG
Synopsis: Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration

Panel Discussion
Moderator: Diane Dumashie, FIG Vice President
  • SURCON Nigeria
  • SOKOTO State
  • Asia
  • Nepal
Summary and Closing
8 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Achieving the Successful Introduction of Value-based Property Taxes (World Bank & FIG)
Chair: Mr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom

The World Bank has been undertaking research into value-based property taxation since 2015 examining the factors that are necessary to achieve the successful implementation of reform in this area and the constraints that are likely to frustrate reform. The work has involved examining a number of countries which have experimented with value-based property tax reforms, one of which is Turkey. The session will report on the key findings and initiate a round table discussion about how reform in this area can be progressed.

Richard Grover (United Kingdom):
Barriers to the Successful Implementation of Property Tax Reforms (9413)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Umit Yildiz and Tugba Gunes (Turkey):
Data: The Unhidden Mystery of Turkish Property Valuation System (9243)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ruud Kathmann (Netherlands):
Factors for Success of the Netherlands System (9723)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS04C: Best Practices 3D Cadastres
Commission: 3 & 7 - WG 3D
Chair: Mr. Alias Abdul Rahman , Malaysia
Rapporteur: Mr. Abduallah Kara

In this session the FIG publication 3D Cadastres Best Practices is presented. At the end of the two most recent 4-year terms (2010-2014 and 2014-2018) of the joint commission 3 and commission 7 FIG Working Group on 3D Cadastres, it was decided to collect the best known practices in a single FIG publication. Per chapter a representative author will introduce one of the following topics: Chapter 1. Legal foundations, Chapter 2. Initial Registration of 3D Parcels, Chapter 3. 3D Cadastral Information Modelling, Chapter 4. 3D Spatial DBMS for 3D Cadastres, and Chapter 5. Visualization and New Opportunities.

Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands):
FIG Publication 3D Cadastres Best Practices (9610)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Dimitrios Kitsakis (Greece), Jesper Paasch, Jenny Paulsson (Sweden), Gerhard Navratil (Austria) and Nikola Vučić (Croatia):
3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 1: Legal foundations (9654)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Efi Dimopoulou (Greece), Sudarshan Karki (Australia), Miodrag Roić (Croatia), José-Paulo Duarte de Almeida (Portugal) and Charisse Griffith-Charles (Trinidad And Tobago):
3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 2: Initial Registration of 3D Parcels (9655)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Peter van Oosterom, Chrit Lemmen (Netherlands), Rod Thompson (Australia), Karel Janečka (Czech Republic) and Sisi Zlatanova (Australia):
3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 3: 3D Cadastral Information Modelling (9656)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Karel Janečka (Czech Republic), Sudarshan Karki (Australia), Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands), Sisi Zlatanova and Mohsen Kalantari (Australia):
3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 4: 3D Spatial DBMS for 3D Cadastres (9657)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jacynthe Pouliot (Canada), Claire Ellul (United Kingdom), Frédéric Hubert (Canada), Chen Wang (China, PR) and Abbas Rajabifard (Australia):
3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 5: Visualization and New Opportunities (9658)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
Presented by Peter van Oosterom.

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS04E: GNSS PPP and Networks
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Dr. I. Oztug Bildirici, Turkey
Rapporteur: Dr. Leonid Lipatnikov, Russian Federation

Yang Gao (Canada):
Precise GNSS Positioning for Mass-Market Applications (9374)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ibrahim Murat Ozulu, Veli Ilçi, Serdar Erol and Reha Metin Alkan (Turkey):
Kinematic PPP Positioning Using Different Processing Platforms (9535)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Seyda Geliskan, Cevat Inal, Sercan Bulbul and Ahmet Mete Gunduz (Turkey):
The Comparison of Accuracies of Results Obtained from Bernese v5.2 Software and Web-Based PPP Services (9431)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Viktor Mihoković, Luka Zalović and Danijel Šugar (Croatia):
Single Base RTK Solutions Obtained Individually with GALILEO and Beidou as Well as in Combination with Other Fully Operational GNSS (9263)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Xiaoguang Luo, Stefan Schaufler, Matteo Carrera and Ismail Celebi (Switzerland):
High-Precision RTK Positioning with Calibration-Free tilt Compensation (9407)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Burhaneddin Bilgen, Cevat Inal and Sercan Bulbul (Turkey):
The Effect of Session Duration in Determination of Point Movements with GNSS (9429)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS04F: Deformation Analysis l
Commission: 6
Chair: Ms. Maria Henriques, Portugal
Rapporteur: Dr. Cemal Ozer Yigit, Turkey

Sinan Altinisik, Company Owner and Semih Seckin Kavlak, Photogrammetry Section Director (Turkey):
By Means of UAV-based Photogrammetry, Observing, Analyzing and Reporting of the Big Construction Projects, Ethiopia Application (9209)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Serdar Bora Sayin, Caner Guney and Murat Kendir (Turkey):
Semantic Mapping and Reasoning Approach for Mobile Robotics (9245)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Akram Afifi and Ahmed El-Rabbany (Canada):
Improved Mapping Solution Using Terrestrial Laser Scanners and Low-Cost UAV Images (9332)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Francis Xavier Ochieng, Craig Mathew Hancock (China, PR), Gethin Wyn Roberts (Faroe Islands), Julien Le Kernec (United Kingdom) and Xu Tang (China, PR):
Novel Non-Contact Deformation Health Monitoring of Towers and Rotating Composite Based Wind Turbine Blades Using Interferometric Ground Based Radar (9482)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Cemal Ozer Yigit, Ahmet Anil Dindar, Mert Bezcioglu (Turkey) and Ahmed El-Mowafy (Australia):
Evaluation of High-Rate GNSS-PPP for Monitoring Structural Health and Seismogeodesy Applications (9512)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS04G: Best Practice Models in Land Administration
Commission: 7
Chair: Dr. Glendon George St Walford Newsome, Jamaica
Rapporteur: Libor Tomandl, Czech Republic

Satrio Muhammad Alif, Agung Pandi Nugroho and Bambang Edhi Leksono (Indonesia):
Application of Multipurpose Cadastre to Evaluate Energy Security of Land Parcel (Case Study: Gedung A and Gedung B, Institut Teknologi Sumatra) (9312)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Tsitsi Muparari (Zimbabwe), Walter T. de Vries (Germany) and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
Equilibration of Cadastre and Land Registry Components in a Cadastral Merger (9567)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marisa Balas, Simao Joaquim, José Almeirim Carvalho, Jose Murta and João Carrilho (Mozambique):
SiGIT Land Information System and the Challenges Imposed by the Fit For Purpose Approach to Land Administration (9582)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ayako Oide and Hiroyuki Hasegawa (Japan):
Applicability of Social Tenure Domain Model and 3D modeling by UAV photogrammetry to mountainous region in Indonesia (9633)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ahmad Sghyyer and Rami Farraj (Israel):
Field Surveying Inspection Using Tablets (9659)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS04H: Land Use Planning Systems and Policies
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Ionut Savoiu, Romania
Rapporteur: Mr. Edwin Addo Tawiah, Ghana

This session provides an overview of spatial and land-use planning systems focusing on governance systems, institutional and legal frameworks for spatial planning, and the various policy instruments used at different levels of governance.

David Goodwin and James Berghan (New Zealand):
A Planning Model to Incorporate Socially-Based Tenure Principles into Mainstream Planning, (9267)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Marije Louwsma (Netherlands):
Towards a New Legislative Framework for Spatial Planning – the Environment and Planning Act (9321)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jian Lin, Bing Zhao and Yu Gan (China, PR):
Retrospect and Prospect of Comprehensive Land Use Planning in China (9436)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Burcu Sari, Tayfun Kaya and Nazim Akkoyun (Turkey):
Spatial Strategic Plan as Data Production and Management Process Experience: Kadıköy Example (9578)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

Turkish Speaking and Mid Asian Countries Workshop ll
Chair: Dr. Orhan Ercan, Turkey

Continuation of Session 1

8 May
YILDIZ 1, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Corporate Members Meeting
Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece

The 2018 FIG Corporate Members Meeting is where the corporate membership within FIG meets the FIG Administration to exchange information, provide feedback and discuss on-going and proposed activities.

8 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05A: Commission 1 and the Future
Commission: 1
Chair: Dr. Brian Coutts, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Mr. Gary Strong, United Kingdom

Brian Coutts (New Zealand), Winnie Shiu (Hong Kong SAR, China) and Emily Tidey (New Zealand):
A Case for Commission 1 (9594)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Robyn McCutcheon (Australia):
Status of Women in the Spatial Industry (9472)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Shristee Singh Shrestha, Raja Ram Chhatkuli and Rabindra Tamrakar (Nepal):
Reforming Land Transaction Service Delivery to Support Gender Responsive Land Governance in Nepal (9555)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nigel Sellars (United Kingdom):
What does it Mean to be a Surveyor in the 21st century? – Bringing Confidence to the Users of Surveying Related Activities (9424)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05B: Innovative Education and Training in Pursuit of Advancement in Surveying Profession
Commission: 2
Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Australia
Rapporteur: Prof. Jennifer Whittal, South Africa

Due to emerging global challenges, and advancement in technology and surveying equipment and techniques, the role of a surveyor is changing rapidly. Though professional education is inevitable in response to the changing role of a surveyor, in most cases the approach to acquiring skills is still very traditional. Similarly, limited opportunities of professional education is creating a gap in terms of quantity. The primary aim of this session is to provide a platform for exchanging experiences and knowledge about educational innovation and change in professional education for better adaptation to the broader scope of the surveying profession.

Ismat Elhassan (Saudi Arabia):
Towards a Modern Surveying Engineering Curriculum: Case presented is Surveying Engineering Program at King Saud University (9301)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marinus De Bakker (Netherlands):
How to Update a Geo-Information Curriculum? Process and Content to Be Attractive for New Students and Useful for the Labor Market (9379)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Pierre-Yves Gilliéron, Bertrand Merminod and Jérôme Zufferey (Switzerland):
Training in Mapping Changes on Archaeological Site (9469)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Peter Wasström (Sweden):
Coordinated Mentor/training Program (9587)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05C: Developing 3D Models for a 3D World
Commission: 3 & 7
Chair: Mr. Peter Van Oosterom, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Gyula Ivan, Hungary

The spatial and three-dimensional systems constitute the platform of a privileged observatory on the use of 3D topographic and building modeling

Barbara Cemellini (Netherlands), Thompson Rod (Australia), Marian de Vries and Peter van Oosterom (Netherlands):
Visualization/dissemination of 3D Cadastral Information (9591)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Wilson Phillips, Gabriel Arancibia and Hal Janes (Canada):
The 3D Cadastre for Underground Infrastructure: An Integrated, Reliable and Safety proposal from Land Surveyors in Canada (9605)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Chan Keat Lim, Teng Chee Hua and David Kean Beng Loo (Malaysia):
Proposed Legislation for 3D Cadastre in Malaysia (9608)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Pietro Grimaldi (Italy):
StereoFot: on-line photogrammetric restitutor (9674)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marco De Carolis (Italy):
SMART City 3D - "The digitization of the territory aimed at the processes of knowledge, protection, development and transformation". (9675)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Valens Frangez, Benjamin Kramis, Florian Hübscher and Andreas Baumann (Switzerland):
Comparison of Three Innovative Technologies for 3D-Acquisition, Modelling, and Visualisation of an Underground Mine (9502)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05D: Hydrography and Disaster Management
Commission: 4
Chair: Mr. Chris A. Ekpo, Nigeria
Rapporteur: Ms. Angela Etuonovbe, Nigeria

Disasters have become rampart in recent times from one continent to another and are of great concern to all. Hydrographic tools are of great benefits in predicting, evaluating and management of some of these disasters.

Dirk Kowalewski, CEO and Frank Heinen, Software engineer (Germany):
siNafa: Safety Navigation for Shipping (9181)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Adam Lyszkowicz and Anna Bernatowicz (Poland):
Geocentric Sea Level Changes at Tide Gauge Station in Władysławowo (9350)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ibrahim Öztug Bildirici, Ramazan Alpay Abbak and Sevgi Boge (Turkey):
The Accuracy of SRTM Water Body Data over the Turkish Territory with Respect to Topographic Maps (9372)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05E: Future of Positioning
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden
Rapporteur: Dr. Yasemin Sisman, Turkey

Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Positioning for Autonomous Driving (9688)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Allison Kealy, Professor (Australia):
Robust Positioning in Indoor Environments (9689)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Suelynn Choy (Australia):
GNSS Positioning: From High-end to Mass-market (9690)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Li Zhang (Germany):
Low-Cost GNSS for Geodetic Applications (9691)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Martin Lidberg, Head of section, Reference frames (Sweden):
Role of Reference Frames in a Dynamic World (9692)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05F: Deformation Analysis II
Commission: 6
Chair: Ms. Maria Joao Henriques, Portugal
Rapporteur: Mr. Derek Spalton, United Kingdom

Carlos Becker (Switzerland), Nicolai Hani (USA), Elena Rosinskaya, Emmanuel d'Angelo and Christoph Strecha (Switzerland):
Machine-Learning Classification of Aerial Photogrammetric 3D Point Clouds (9340)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Derek Spalton (United Kingdom):
Control in LASER Scanning of Coastal Erosion at Happisburgh, North Norfolk, Uk (9362)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hasan Bilgehan Makineci and Hakan Karabörk (Turkey):
Elevation Value Enhancement on Digital Elevation Model with Combined Ascending and Descending SAR Data (9378)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Asli Sabuncu and Haluk Ozener (Turkey):
Evaluating and Comparing NDVI and NBR Indices Performance for Burned Areas in Terms of PBIA and OBIA in Aegean Region Turkey (9387)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Vassilios Pagounis, Stavros Vlizos, Maria Tsakiri (Greece), Cem Sonmez Boyoglu and Nusret Demir (Turkey):
The Use of Geodetic Techniques in the Documentation of an Archaeological Excavation Site (9515)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Aiham Hassan, Jinjun Xu, Li Zhang, Guanlan Liu, Annette Schmitt, Cheng Xing, Yaming Xu, Chenhao Ouyang (China, PR) and Volker Schwieger (Germany):
Towards Integration of GNSS and GB-SAR Measurements: Exemplary Monitoring of a Rock Fall at the Yangtze River in China (9551)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05G: Monitoring and Assessment of Cadastral Data
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Miodrag Roic, Croatia
Rapporteur: Mr Martin Andree, Sweden

Carline Amsing and Paula Dijkstra (Netherlands):
An Evaluation of Fit-For-Purpose Land Administration Initiatives at Kadaster International (9404)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Omer Yurdakul, S. Savas Durduran and Ibrahim Kalayci (Turkey):
General Evaluation of Cadastre of Turkey in the Framework of Cadastre 2034 Vision: Sarioglan District/Konya (9397)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Markus Seifert (Germany):
Web-based Validation of Cadastral Data in Germany (9399)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Zeynel Abidin Plat, Hicret Gursoy Surmeneli and Mehmet Alkan (Turkey):
Bibliometric Analysis of Articles Presented Under Commission 7: a Case of the 25th Fig Congress in Malaysİa in 2014 (9490)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Anders Svensson (Sweden):
Information Quality - A Critical Success Factor How to make it all right! (9553)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Christiaan Lemmen, Peter Van Oosterom, Eva-Maria Unger, Mohsen Kalantari and Kees De Zeeuw (Netherlands):
Exploring Possible Standardization of Processes in the Land Administration Domain Model (9554)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05H: Urban Planning and Cities Development
Commission: 8
Chair: Ms. Yvonne Sowah, Ghana
Rapporteur: Mr. Muhammad Mansur Kabir, Nigeria

Today's rapid development and urbanization provides an opportunity to unpack the links between economic development and its desirable and undesirable consequences. Sustainable, actionable Policies and initiatives in developed and developing cities should be viewed as key to a resilient city development.

Abubeker Mohammed (Ethiopia):
Land Expropriation for Cooperative Housing in Amhara Region, Ethiopia: Process and Impacts on the Peri-Urban Farming Communities (9235)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kamil Eren, Erdal Yilmaz and Fahri Kartal (Turkey):
Development of Geospatial Smart Cities and Management (9304)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nihat Kandaloglu (Turkey):
Allocation of Ownership in the Urban Regeneration (9468)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Rong (Rosy) Liao (China, PR):
The Logic of "Urban and Rural Integration" in the Process of Urbanization in China Based on the Theory of "Push and Pull" (9693)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Şükran Yalpır, Süleyman Şişman and Ali Utku Akar (Turkey):
The Effects of Urban Transformation on Real Estates and Land Valuation at City Plans (9626)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

8 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05I: Land Valuation Methodologies Embracing Technological Change
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States
Rapporteur: Mr. David Smejkal, Czech Republic

The valuation industry is evolving and ever more tools for solving analysis problems are being devised. This session will highlight a variety of unusual methodologies used to overcome a variety of very specific valuation challenges.

Carlos Brett (Venezuela) and Isaac Boateng (United Kingdom):
Alternative Approach and Toolkits for Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services of Wetlands: an Application to Farlington Marshes, UK (9222)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ayse Yavuz Ozalp and Halil Akinci (Turkey):
Using Hedonic Pricing Model to Analyze Parameters Affecting Residential Real Estate Value in Artvin City Center (9536)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Rabia Bovkir, Ismail Colkesen and Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu (Turkey):
Calculating Land Values by Using Advanced Statistical Approaches in Pendik (9632)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mehmet Ertas (Turkey):
The Effect of Bad Neigborhood to the Shops in Mall (9342)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ruud Kathmann and Marco Kuijper (Netherlands):
What Is the Quality of Your Valuation Data? (9368)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

8 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS05J: Roundtable Discussion on BIM
Commission: 10
Chair: Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany
Rapporteur: Mr. See Lian Ong, Malaysia

  • Review of the Pre-Workshop “BIM for Surveyors”
    Report by Christian Clemen
  • Open BIM-Microphone
    Discussion lead by See Lian Ong

8 May

FIG Commissions Annual Meetings

The FIG Commissions are responsible for pursuing FIG's professional and technical objectives and are the backbone of the professional work in FIG.
The Commission meetings are open for everyone who are interested in the work. After the meeting each commission hosts a dinner.
Join the meetings in following rooms:

  • Commission 1: Professional Standards and Practice in EMİRGAN 1
  • Commission 2: Professional Education in EMİRGAN 2
  • Commission 3: Spatial Information Management in BEYLERBEYİ 1
  • Commission 4: Hydrography in BEYLERBEYİ 2
  • Commission 5: Positioning and Measurement in ÜSKÜDAR 1
  • Commission 6: Engineering Surveys in HAMİDİYE
  • Commission 7: Cadastre and Land Management in ÜSKÜDAR 2
    [agenda] [WG 7.1] [WG 7.4] [forthcoming event]
  • Commission 8: Spatial Planning and Development in ÜSKÜDAR 3
  • Commission 9: Valuation and the Management of Real Estate in ÇAMLICA
  • Commission 10: Construction Economics and Management in MAÇKA

8 May

FIG Commission Dinners

Wednesday, 9 May
9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, 2 & 3, Istanbul Congress Center
Plenary Session 3: Rural Development
Chair: Prof. Christiaan Lemmen, FIG Honorary Member

Dr. Michael Klaus,  Director of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSS)
Rural development for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: Fostering the Rural-Urban interrelationship
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

Mr. Jawad Peikar, Chief Executive Officer Afghanistan Independent Land Authority, ARAZI, GIRoA -
Learning from Best Practices: Towards a Sustainable Land Administration System in Afghanistan.
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

Mr. Brent Jones, Esri - The Changing Landscape of Land Administration replacing Prof. Dr. Mehmet Babaoğlu, Member of Parliament Parliamentary Commissioner for Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs
[handouts] [bio] [recording]
9 May

Morning Break

9 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

Best Practice for Land Consolidation Legislation in Line with VGGT (FAO & FIG)
Chair: Mr. Morten Hartvigsen, Denmark
Rapporteur: Mr. Maxim Gorgan, Hungary

During this session, FAO will present an overview of its land consolidation programme from 2000 and onwards including lessons learned and way forward. The special focus of the session will be on the land consolidation legislation and the promotion of the VGGT principles through legal work. FAO REU is currently conducting a regional study on land consolidation legislation in Europe to identify best practice. The session will build on the preliminary outcome of the study.

Morten Hartvigsen (Hungary):
FAO Support on Land Consolidation in Europe and Central Asia During 2000 – 2018. Lessons Learned and Way Forward (9707)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Tomas Versinskas (Lithuania):
FAO Regional Study on Land Consolidation Legislation (9708)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Maxim Gorgan (Hungary):
Experiences with Developing Land Consolidation Legislation in Ukraine (9709)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kristina Mitic – Arsova (Macedonia, FYR):
Experiences with Developing Land Consolidation Legislation in Macedonia (9710)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

Social Tenure Domain Model - Development and Application (FIG YSN & UN-Habitat GLTN)
Chair: Mr. Teo Chee Hai, Honorary FIG President
Rapporteur: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria

The Session will involve key champions of STDM presenting conceptual and technical features of STDM tool, sharing of practical and training experiences, sharing next steps and way forward, feedback and open discussions.


  • Introduce participants to the basic concepts of STDM;
  • Provide technical updates on STDM development including key features;
  • Share country experiences on STDM application of the tools;
  • Discuss different roles of key partners and proposed strategies for support; and
  • Explore next steps and way forward.

Chrit Lemmen (Netherlands)
STDM Concepts and Rationale

John Gitau, GLTN
STDM Technical Implementation

Danilo Antonio, GLTN
Implementation of STDM at Country-Level

Eva-Maria Unger, YSN
Young Surveyors Network Support to STDM Implementation through VCSP

Open Discussion

Oumar Sylla, Head, GLTN Secretariat
9 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Platinum Member Session - ESRI
Chair: Mr. Brent Jones, United States

Modernize Land Administration Systems
Off-the-Shelf GIS Technology for Modern Cadastral Operations

Gone are the days of building highly customized cadastral systems with siloed disparate technologies. They’re too expensive to maintain and they don’t keep up with all the new capabilities that GIS provides. ArcGIS is a complete, interoperable, open, and purpose-built system for cadastral operations to improve efficiency, manage data integrity, and share data across your organization and with the public. Whether you aim to improve data quality, increase throughput, or improve spatial accuracy, become more transparent - the ArcGIS platform delivers necessary capabilities from fit-for-purpose to enterprise cadastral systems.

9 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

EgoS General Assembly
Chair: Mr. Nikos Zacharias, Greece

  • By invitation

9 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS06C: Topography - VGI - Open Data
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Cromwell Manaloto, Italy
Rapporteur: Mr. Daniele Brancato, Italy

Geomatics is becoming a fundamental technology, because spatial data can not be used if it does not have a geographical attribute, so good information management can not be performed without tools that take into account georeferencing on a global system.

Christian Kaul, Jürg Lüthy and Markus Luginbühl (Switzerland):
Benefits of OGD for Providers of Authoritative Data (9461)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ulrika Dahlberg (Sweden):
Is It Necessary to Have the Same Information in Several/multiple Official Register (9505)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Arif Cagdas Aydinoglu and Rabia Bovkir (Turkey):
Management of Big Geographic Data for Smart City Applications (9525)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Torben Juulsager (Denmark):
Report on the Impact of Open Geographical Data – Danish Effect Studies (9603)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hartmut Mueller and Ulrike Klein (Germany):
The Surveyor and the Geo-Data Management (9613)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS06E: Gravity and Geoid
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Daniel Roman, United States
Rapporteur: Mr. Erol Uysal, Turkey

Andreas Engfeldt, Martin Lidberg, Marcin Sekowski, Przemyslaw Dykowski, Jan Krynski (Poland), Jonas Ågren, Per-Anders Olsson, Henrik Bryhske, Holger Steffen (Sweden) and Jens Emil Nielsen (Denmark):
RG 2000 – the New Gravity System of Sweden (9495)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Julio Neira and Cristian Carrasco (Chile):
A Geoid Model of Northern Chile from Airborne and Surface Gravity (9189)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kevin Ahlgren, Yan-Ming Wang, Xiaopeng Li and Monica Youngman (USA):
Towards a More Consistent Geoid Model for North America (9619)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Suresh Singh and Rajiv Srivastava (India):
Development of Geoid Model- A Case Study on Western India (9496)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

S.K. Singh (India):
Towards A New Vertical Datum For India (9497)

Mohd Noor Isa, Azhari Mohamed, Sohaime Rasidi, Zulkafli Chihat and Abd. Majid A Kadir (Malaysia):
Geoid Based Height System for East Malaysia (9529)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Oyedokun Abiodun, Joseph Odumosu, Abdulmumin Oyekanbi and Soliu Yusuff (Nigeria):
Analysis of the Performance of Two Gravimetric Reduction Schemes (9225)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

R. Alpay Abbak, I. Oztug Bildirici and H. Tuba Arli IL (Turkey):
Comparison of SRTM and ASTER DEM to the Prediction of the Mean Gravity Anomaly (9572)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

TS06H: Rural Development and Land Use
Commission: 8
Chair: Dr. Michael Klaus, China
Rapporteur: Mr. Kingsley Sam, Ghana

The New Urban Agenda acknowledges the urban-rural linkages called for in the SDGs. New guiding principles and pathways have been recommended at the recent Urban Forum. Our ability to stay focused within the framework is key to SDG’s.

Kingsley Sam (Ghana):
The Critical Role of Land Sector Professionals in Delivery Cost Effective Solutions for the Management of Customary Lands in Ghana. the Case of the Kumasi Traditional Authority. (9299)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Wioleta Krupowicz and Anna Bielska (Poland):
Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Poland in the Context of 'urban Sprawl' Process (9351)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mwenda Makathimo and Lizahmy Ntonjira (Kenya):
An Analysis of Community Land Use Planning System in Kenya. (9426)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fahria Masum and Michael Klaus (Germany):
Balancing Urban and Rural Development - How to Reach the Goal? (9430)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Linlin Dai (China, PR), Karine Dupre (Australia), Dong Li and Ling Yang (China, PR):
Reconstruction and Transition Driven by External Capital: a Case Study of Simatai Village in Beijing Suburbs (9521)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS06I: The Property Management, Planning and Administration of Real Estate Assets
Commission: 7, 8 & 9
Chair: Mr. James Kavanagh, United Kingdom

Valuation, Management, Planning and Administrative functions intersect every day to solve the worlds land related problems. This session will focus on how Land Planning, Valuation, Institutions and Management come together to solve some specific real world institutional, infrastructure, and property specific problems, and allow us to make better decisions in the future.

Sezen Tarakçı and Şevkiye Şence Türk (Turkey):
Impact of Planning on Land Value In Urban Renewal Practice: The Case Of Istanbul- Fikirtepe (9316)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Wiwin Ambarwulan, Tri Patmasari, Theresia Wulan, Titiek Suparwati and Sri Lestari (Indonesia):
Application of Remotely Sensed Satellite Imagery for Village Boundary Mapping in Indonesia : Case study in Hulu Sungai Tengah Regency, South Kalimantan, Indonesia (9539)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

James Kavanagh (United Kingdom):
The Connectivity of Land Valuation, Land Transfer Standards (ILMS) and Land Acquisition/taxation – Integrating Fit for Purpose Principles Along the Land Continuum (9353)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ali Fahri Ozten and Baransel Izmirli (Turkey):
Routing and Expropriation Process and Costs in the Iran-Turkey-Europe Gas Pipeline Project (9635)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Mehmet Alkan, Hicret Gursoy Surmeneli and Zeynel Abidin Polat (Turkey):
Design and Determine Cadastral and Land Management Performance of Turkey with Cadastre 2034 Vision (9489)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS06J: Construction Technology and Innovations
Commission: 10
Chair: Mr. See Lian Ong, Malaysia
Rapporteur: Prof. Christian Clemen, Germany

Technology will greatly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of planning, design and construction projects. This session will examine the application of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and other technological advancement in the construction industry.

Krishna Mochtar (Indonesia):
Construction Material and Equipment Demand Estimation in Indonesia (9266)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Martin Andrée, Jesper Paasch, Jenny Paulsson and Stefan Seipel (Sweden):
BIM and 3D Property Visualisation (9367)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ruya Tambaya Fadason, Lot Akut Kaduma and Danladi Zakari Chitumu (Nigeria):
Challenges of Building Information Modeling Implementation in Africa: A Case Study of the Nigerian Construction Industry (9589)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Alojz Kopáčik, Ján Erdélyi and Tomáš Funtík (Slovakia):
The Implementation of BIM in Slovakia – State of the Art (9627)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May


9 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

ISS 1: GIS Application & Mapping for Public Delivery
Commission: ISS - Inspirational Session
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, United Kingdom

This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.

Erkan Tin, Ekin Çapçı, Ali Toksoy, Onur Lenk and Mahir Güney (Turkey):
Regularization of Geospatial Procedures by Process Modelling & Management Tools (9257)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Pasi Laurila (Finland):
Mine Surveying in Finland - Education and Professional Practices (9310)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jonas Lundsten and Jesper Paasch (Sweden):
Individual’s Motivation in Standardization of Geographic Information (9364)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Tuncer Ozerbil, Engin Pekel, Dilvin Ceneli Tugrul, Cihan Sezgin and Osman Selcuk (Turkey):
GIS Application in Technical and Environmental Safety of Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines, a Case Study (9519)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

Round Table on Securing Tenure Rights, Surveying and the VGGT (FAO & FIG)
Chair: Mr. Morten Hartvigsen, Denmark

The Round Table will discuss how the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) is fundamental to securing tenure rights (in the various tenure regimes), the role of surveying to secure those rights and how they complement each other. By discussing some country experiences, the Round Table will look into ways by which the VGGT can be used to improve surveying protocols and standards so that this can be done in effective and efficient manner, speeding up the tenure regularization process.

  • Concept Note

Javier Molina Cruz (Italy):
Setting the Stage: Implementation of the VGGT at Country Level, Lessons Learned and Challenges (9703)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Anne-Pierre Girardin (France):
The Role of Surveying in Tenure Regularization Under Different Tenure Regimes: Lessons Learned, Challenges. Bringing the Gender Dimension into the Process. (9704)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Lussuga Kironde (Tanzania):
Experience from the Field: Surveying Community Land in Tanzania (9705)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sean Gregory Johnson (Swaziland):
Community Participation in the Surveying Process: How to Engage Surveyors and the Communities (9706)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Land Tenure, Climate Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity (UN-Habitat/GLTN, RMIT and FIG)
Chair: Kwame Tenadu, FIG Commission 8, Ghana
Rapporteur: Mr. Danilo Antonio, Kenya

The overall objective of this session is to enable participants to better understand the concepts of land tenure, climate vulnerability and adaptive capacity and how this informs their work. At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the concepts of land tenure, climate vulnerability and adaptive capacity and how they interrelate;
  • Understand how adaptation options can either enhance or reduce tenure security.
  • Decide what improvements to land governance and tenure security are needed to reduce vulnerability and enhance adaptive capacity;
  • Concept Note


Introduction - Session Objectives

David Mitchell, Australia
Synopsis: Land tenure, climate vulnerability and adaptive capacity

Questions and Clarification

Presentation of Case Studies

  • Presentation of Philippines Case Study - [handouts]
  • Presentation of Solomon Islands Case Study - [handouts]

Questions and Answers

Summary and Closing

9 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

EgoS General Assembly
Chair: Mr. Nikos Zacharias, Greece

  • By Invitation

9 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS07C: Geo-Data Management and Land Information System
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Roberto Capua, Italy
Rapporteur: Dr. Enrico Rispoli, Italy

Open data are information or data accumulated by the public sector that are made available free of charge to anyone. Some open geographical databases are the reference point for urban development and the trend towards smart cities.

Emmanuel Rotimi Adegboyega and Williams Oluwole Adebayo (Nigeria):
Geospatial Information for Sustainable Forest Management in Ekiti State (9398)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mohd Noor Isa, Siti Nurbaiduri Mohd Yusof and Sarah Shaharuddin (Malaysia):
BIM Implementation in Malaysia: A Case Study in Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (9477)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

John Gitau, Danilo Antonio and Oumar Sylla (Kenya):
Low-Cost Land Information System for Sustainable Urban Development: Case Examples in Kenya and Zambia (9528)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Madan Mohan (India):
Geoinformatics in Real World's Regional Million+ Cities: A Geospatial Study of Urbanisation in Emerging and Developing Country, India (9547)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kazimierz Becek (Turkey):
Introducing the Latest Version of the Global Elevation Testing Facility (9559)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Arzu Erener and Gülcan Sarp (Turkey):
Spatiotemporal distribution of Industrial Regions and Impact on LST in the case of Kocaeli, Turkey (9639)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS07E: Reference Frames
Commission: 5
Chair: Prof. Dr. Muzaffer Kahveci, Turkey
Rapporteur: Ms. Li Zhang, Germany

Basara Miyahara, Director, Toshihiro Yahagi, Director, Satoshi Kawamoto, Executive Officer, Yudai Sato, Research Officer and Koji Matsuo, Researcher (Japan):
Geodetic Reference Frame of Japan as Basic Infrastructure Enabling Us Precise Gnss Positioning (9381)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Graeme Blick (New Zealand):
Joining New Zealand’s Land and Sea Vertical Datums (9338)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Daniel Roman (USA):
United States NSRS 2022: Terrestrial Reference Frames (9457)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nic Donnelly and Miriam Broadbent (New Zealand):
A Single Adjustment of all New Zealand’s Geodetic Observations (9410)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Irem Yakar (Turkey):
Height System Modernization and Geoid Modelling Studies In Turkey (9254)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

9 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS07F: French Session I
Chair: Mr. Marc Vanderschueren, Belgium
Rapporteur: Ms. Godelive Phanzu Vangu, Congo, Democratic Republic of the

The session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors).

Jean-Yves Pirlot (Belgium):
Une réglementation intelligente de la profession de géomètre-expert (9672)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jean-François Dalbin, President (France):
Analyse et réflexion sur les méthodologies et pratiques de formalisation des droits fonciers (9686)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Léopold Degbegnon (Benin):
Etude sur la dynamique foncière au Bénin (9673)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Khalid Yousfi (Morocco):
Dématérialisation des services destinés aux géomètres-experts au Maroc (9679)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Bertand Juompan (France):
Contribution du géomètre à la connaissance du patrimoine et à la prévention des dommages aux réseaux enterrés et de leurs conséquences (9680)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Francis Gabele (Belgium):
Valeur hypothécaire des immeubles de logement (9681)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS07G: 3D Relationship in Land Management
Commission: 7
Chair: Assoc. Prof. Leiv Bjarte Mjos, Norway
Rapporteur: Mr. Christopher Williams Wynn, South Africa

Fisnik Loshi (Kosovo):
From 2D Representation of the Buildings into Cadastral Maps towards 3D GIS Applications and BIM – a Case Study for Prishtina (9283)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Sedat Bakici, Bilal Erkek, Levent Ozmus, Ekrem Ayyildiz and Metin Soylu (Turkey):
3D City Models for Land Administration in Turkey (9285)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Yasemin Kuleyin (Turkey):
Three Dimensional Condominium Installation Methodology (9322)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Lin Li, Haihong Zhu, Jindi Wu and Yuan Lei (China, PR):
Spatial Representation of the Ownership Structure of Condominium Units (9346)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

TS07H: Resilience Planning and Disaster Risks
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Muhammad Mansur Kabir, Nigeria
Rapporteur: Ms. Yvonne Sowah, Ghana

Climate Change and severe disasters whether natural and or man-made require the subject of resilience as an ingredient in planning use of space.

Himmet Karaman and Gözde Bakioglu (Turkey):
Hospital Accessibility of Istanbul Following an Earthquake (9343)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Christine Atuhaire and John Richard Otukei (Uganda):
Assessing impact of Settlement Expansion on Green Space Cooling Intensity:Case study -Kampala Metropolitan Area (9433)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Penjani Hopkins Nyimbili and Turan Erden (Turkey):
Current Landscape of Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) and Software Applications for Earthquake Disaster Management in Turkey (9443)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Turen Erden, Penjani Hopkins Nyimbili and Himmet Karaman (Turkey):
Earthquake Hazard Mapping and Analysis by Integrating GIS, AHP and TOPSIS for Küçükçekmece Region in Turkey (9444)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Stephen Djaba and Atta Priscilla Djaba (Ghana):
Application of Remote Sensing to Monitor Thermal Emission: A Case Study of Accra Metropolitan Area (9663)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May

Afternoon Break

9 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Young Surveyors: Mentoring Toolkit
Commission: Young Surveyors
Chair: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria
Rapporteur: Ms. Melissa Harrington, United States

This session will introduce a key part of our future, the FIG YS Mentoring Toolkit. This guide has been developed following two workshops organised by the FIG Young Surveyors Network held at the FIG Working Weeks in Christchurch, New Zealand and Helsinki, Finland.
This toolkit presents an overarching view of mentoring with accompanying resources and templates. It is envisaged that participants of the FIG YSN Mentoring Program will use these concepts and tools when establishing formal and informal mentoring programs and relationships. It is designed to bring a consistent approach to mentoring across FIG to ensure best practice is achieved for this very important component of professional development. We will have a look at each component that was considered in the development of this mentoring program and toolkit.

  • Leadership and Structure
  • Coordination
  • Selection of Mentors
  • Selection of Mentees
  • The Mentoring Relationship
  • Review and Evaluation
  • [handouts]

9 May
Sait Halim Paşa Mansion (meet at 15:20 by the registration desks)

Regional Bodies Forum
Chair: Mr. Curtis Sumner, NSPS, United States

  • By invitation only

9 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

ISS 2: Geodesy and Surveying Applications
Commission: ISS - Inspirational Session
Chair: Mr. Mikael Lilje, Sweden

This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.

Gozde Bakioglu and Asli Dogru (Turkey):
GIS-Based Visualization for Estimating Level of Service (9339)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mohd Noor Isa, Keat Lim Chan, Muhammad Imzan Hassan, Nur Amalina Zulkifli and Alias Abdul Rahman (Malaysia):
3D Strata Modelling based on Indoor LiDAR Data (9476)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mohd Noor Isa, Azhari Mohamed, Muhammad Asyran Che Amat (Malaysia) and Sowter Andrew (United Kingdom):
Joint Analysis of GNSS and InSAR for Deformation Monitoring: A Feasibility Study in Johor, Malaysia (9479)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Milan Trifunovic, Nenad Pasic and Milena Trifunovic (Serbia):
The Role of Government Institutions to Encourage the Development of Consciousness on the Use of Spatial Data in the Republic of Serbia (9517)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

Sofyan Rachman and Harry Pramudito (Indonesia):
Study of Landslide Disaster in Aceh Tamiang Area of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Province, Indonesia (9607)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mustafa Qasim (Iraq) and Ekrem Tusat (Turkey):
Analysis of the Effect of Data Intervals on GNSS Processing (9629)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mehmet Buğra Gunaydin, Ömür Engin Demirkol, Fatih Esirtgen, Mehmet Ozan Fakioglu and Özgür Yanıt Kaya (Turkey):
Lessons Learned from Turkish LPIS Project: Preparatory Works, Aerial Photography & Production Planning, Organization, Project Execution, Data Management, Internal and External Quality Controls, Risk Assessment and Management (9646)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Launch of ‘Valuation of Unregistered Lands: A Policy Guide’ (UN-Habitat, FIG and RICS)
Chair: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States
Rapporteur: Mr. John Gitau, Kenya

Key objectives:

  • To introduce participants to the basic concepts of the ‘Valuation of Unregistered Lands: A Policy Guide’
  • Solicit comments from participants on their views about the guide
  • To formally launch the guide

Danilo Antonio, GLTN Secretariat
The Journey to ‘Valuation of Unregistered Lands: A Policy Guide’

Clarissa Augustinus
Synopsis of the Guide

James Kavanagh, RICS, United Kingdom
Other (TBC)
Reactions from Contributors

Open Discussion

Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President
Oumar Sylla, Head, GLTN Secretariat
Launch of the Guide

9 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

EgoS General Assembly
Chair: Mr. Nikos Zacharias, Greece

  • By Invitation

9 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS08C: Remote Data Capture for Securing Land Information
Commission: 3 and 7
Chair: Mr. Robert W. Foster, United States
Rapporteur: Prof. Charalabos Ioannidis, Greece

Technologies are increasingly needed to support land governance and the certainty of rights. Information Systems tend to be linked to the use of extremely up-to-date, economic and reliable tools. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other significant light instruments, based on GNSS technology, have become indispensable and create favorable opportunities for the collection of timely, personalized, high quality 3D geospatial information.

Parastoo Pilehforooshha and Mohammad Karimi (Iran):
Spatial Conflict Reduction in Building Generalization Process using Optimization Approaches (9274)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Claudia Stöcker, Mila Koeva, Serene Ho (Belgium), Rohan Bennett (Australia), Placide Nkerabigwi, Cornelia Schmidt (Rwanda) and Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands):
Towards UAV-based Land Tenure Data Acquisition in Rwanda: Needs Assessment and Technology Response (9428)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kees de Zeeuw, Paula Dijkstra, Christiaan Lemmen, Eva Maria Unger and Mathilde Molendijk (Netherlands):
Bridging the Security of Tenure Gap: Fit for Purpose Initiatives (9546)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Divyani KOHLI, Eva-Maria UNGER, Christiaan LEMMEN, The Netherlands, Rohan BENNETT, Australia, Mila KOEVA, The Netherlands, Jordan FRIIS, New Zealand, Biplov BHANDARI, Nepal :
Validation of a cadastral map created using satellite imagery and automated feature extraction techniques: A case of Nepal  (9566)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Roberto Capua (Italy):
GNSS in Surveying: State of the Art and Future Perspectives in the Framework of Galileo (9643)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ziya Usta, Muhammed Emre Yildirim and Çetin Comert (Turkey):
Web Based Generation and Management of 3D City Models at Condominium Level (9647)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS08E: Modern Surveying Techniques and Applications
Commission: 5
Chair: Professor Allison Kealy, Australia
Rapporteur: Dr. Daniel Roman, United States

Boris Resnik (Germany):
Application of Ultrasonic Measurement on Concrete Foundations of Modern Wind Energy Plants: Approaches and Findings (9251)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gennady Pobedinskiy and Alexander Prusakov (Russia):
The Status and Prospect of Creation of the State Geospatial Data of the Russian Federation (9302)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Jonathan Li, Lingfei Ma (Canada), Yiping Chen and Cheng Wang (China, PR):
3D Point-Based High-Definition Road Maps for Autonomous Driving (9360)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

Stefan Wei (China, PR):
Mobile Mapping System used in Cadastral Surveying (9631)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

Robert Sarib (Australia) and Graeme Blick (New Zealand):
The Social, Technical, Environmental and Economic Benefits and Opportunities of Accessing and Sharing Geodetic Data (9366)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Bashkim Idrizi (Macedonia, FYR), Lyubka Pashova (Bulgaria), Ismail Kabashi (Kosovo), Medzida Mulic, Dzevad Krdzalic (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Drazen Tutic, Nada Vucetic, Karlo Kevic (Croatia), Gojko Nikolic and Radovan Djurovic (Montenegro):
Study of Length Differences from Topography to Map Projection within the State Coordinate Systems for some Countries on the Balkan Peninsula (9602)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS08G: Technology meets Social Aspects
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Dr. Ludmila Pietrzak, Poland

Claire Buxton and Melissa Harrington (New Zealand):
Land Rights - Will Technology Ever Replace the Human Touch? From the Perspective of Millennials (9480)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sirin Gulcen Eren (Turkey):
Ancient Smart Cadastrate: Akarçaytepe Cadastral Map (9527)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Virgo Eresta Jaya and Dwi Budi Martono (Indonesia):
Participatory Mapping for Cadaster: a Village Approach (9560)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

Wahyuni Widigdo (Indonesia):
The Challenge of Implementing the Concept of Open Data for Land Information Acces in Indonesia (9569)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Deniz Yildirim (Turkey), Maria Vakalopoulou (France), Konstantinos Karantzalos (Greece) and Oguz Gungor (Turkey):
A Deep Learning Method for Local Climate Zone Classification (9583)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Harun Tanrivermis and Yesim Aliefendioglu (Turkey):
Land Assets and Tenure Systems in Agricultural Enterprises and an Evaluation of Possibilities of Implementation of Legal Arrangements for the Prevention of the Problem of Land Fragmentation in Turkey (9668)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

9 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

TS08H: Land Consolidation and re-adjustment in Land Use Planning
Commission: 8
Chair: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Netherlands
Rapporteur: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana

Tayfun Çay, Ramazan Yoldaş, Satılmış and Ela Ertunç (Turkey):
Economic Analysis of Land Consolidation Projects (9219)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Alexander Sagaydak and Anna Sagaydak (Russia):
New Trends in Development of Agricultural Land Consolidation in the Russian Federation (9224)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

Atakan Sert, Reha Metin Alkan, Ali Riza Ceylan, Onder Karagoz and Cuneyt Vanli (Turkey):
Social and Economic Monitoring and Evaluation of Land Consolidation Projects After Application (9258)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Bambang Edhi Leksono and Muhammad Ihsan (Indonesia):
Developing Model of Agriculture Land Consolidation as a tool to recover from Industrial Liquid Waste Pollution Hazards. (9311)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Seckin Yilmazer and Onder Saskin (Turkey):
A Comparison Between Current Land Readjustment Implementations in Turkey and Value-Based Approach (9363)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

9 May
Boat on Bosphorus

Gala Dinner

Gala Dinner at the Boat on Bosphorus is one of the best ways to discover and enjoy the beautiful Istanbul in the night and also one of the best things to do in Istanbul.

One of the more popular and fantastic forms of entertainment on your Istanbul visit is the dinner on Boat. The cruise begins slightly to the east of the famous Galata Bridge and continues to Anadolu Kavagi which is the Bosphorus’ entrance to the Black Sea making numerous sightseeing stops along the strait.

The Boat follows a route that passes historical sites, including Ottoman palaces, and stunning bridges illuminated by night.

A four-course delicious Turkish dinner menu will be served during the dinner. Unforgettable moments with good music and shows will be waiting for you with the amazing atmosphere of Bosphorus.

  • Registration is required. Tickets available for purchase from the Registration Desk.

Thursday, 10 May
10 May
YILDIZ 1, Istanbul Congress Center

ACCO Breakfast Meeting
Chair: Dr. Diane Dumashie, United Kingdom

  • By invitation only

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, 2 & 3, Istanbul Congress Center

Plenary session 4: Spatially enabled societies
Chair: Dr. Daniel Steudler, FIG Honorary Member

Mr. Keith Bell, World Bank - Fundamental Infrastructure for Spatially Enabled Societies replacing dr. Mika-Petteri Törhöne, World Bank.
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

Prof. Abbas Rajabifard, UN-GGIM Academic Network, Head of Department of Infrastructure Engineering Director, Centre for SDIs and Land Administration - Spatially Enabled Societies and Smart Communities
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

Dr. Victor Khoo, Senior Deputy Director Singapore Land Authority (SLA)
Towards a Spatially Enabled Smart Nation
[handouts] [bio] [recording]

10 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

Use and Application of STDM - Session 1
Chair: Mr. John Gitau, Kenya
Rapporteur: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria

In pursuance of developing, testing and disseminating pro-poor and gender responsive approaches with regard to land, innovative land tenure security, affordable land management/administration systems, and land related regulatory/legal frameworks and tools, the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), facilitated by UN-Habitat, has developed the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM). STDM is a pro-poor, participatory and affordable land tool for capturing person/s to land relationships cognizant of the continuum of land rights. STDM, as it stands, seeks to broaden the land administration framework by providing alternative approaches to the institutional, technical and fiscal gap in conventional land administration systems. It is based on open source technologies thus making the tool available to all and the concept adheres to underlying principles of the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) ISO standard. The session will introduce GLTN and its land tools including STDM. Participants will be taken through its concept, background, implementation process, application areas and be given a short hands-on demonstration of its main functionality. At the end of the event and based on the brief introduction, young surveyors will be invited to share the possible applications of the tool/s in their own country contexts. The event will also provide a platform through which young surveyors, who have been involved in STDM country implementation, to share their experiences. The session also aims to create a pool of young land professionals who will be able to provide the needed technical support for applying STDM at country level.


  • Introduce GLTN land tools, and in particular the technical aspects, purposes, mainstreaming, adoption and probable piloting and roll out of STDM tool.
  • Promote conceptual awareness of the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) and its application, at scale.
  • Provide an overview of the main functionality of the STDM tool and potential use cases.
  • Share country level experience in the tool implementation.
  • Encourage interaction and future networking for in-country application of land tools by GLTN and partners.
For more information, please visit
10 May

Morning Break

10 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG Academic Forum on VGGT (FAO & FIG)
Chair: Dr. David Mitchell, Australia
Rapporteur: Ms. Jennifer Whittal, South Africa

The 2018 FIG Academic Members Forum is the platform within the 41st FIG General Assembly where the Academic Members of FIG and other academicians gather to discuss about academic responsibilities and prepare actions. This session focuses on the implementation of The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security, the VGGT, in the surveying profession and professional education.

Tea Dabrundashvili (Italy):
FAO support and engagement with academic institutions on the adoption of the VGGTs in the curriculum: Feedback from the regions (9726)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fredrick Magina (Tanzania):
Presentation on the adoption and implementation VGGTs in the curriculum in Ardhi University (Tanzania) (9727)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Dimo Todorovski, Jaap Zevenbergen and Monica Lengoiboni  (Netherlands):
Adoption and implementation of VGGTs in the curriculum in  Land administration specialization at Faculty ITC University of Twente. (9728)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Joseph Salukvadze (Georgia):
The VGGT in academia: The current state and needs for land governance education at HEIs (Case of Georgia) (9729)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Glendon Newsome (Jamaica):
Presentation on the adoption and implementation VGGTs in the curriculum in University of West Indies (Caribbean) (9730)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Liliana Duica Amaya (Colombia):
Presentation on the adoption and implementation VGGTs in the curriculum in University of Los Andes (Columbia) (9731)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

History Session 1 - Flying High Over the Ancient World
Commission: History
Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia

John Hohol and Curtis Sumner (USA):
A Unique Point on Earth (9188)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

John Brock (Australia):
The Distance Slabs of the Antonine Wall: The Surveyors' Record Carved in Stone. (9217)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Yakup Emre Coruhlu, Tugay Toludan, Osman Demir and Okan Yildiz (Turkey):
Development of Data Model for “Buying and Selling” of Immovable Property via UML diagrams (9244)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

10 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

ISS 3: Emerging Trends in Managing Urbanisation and Natural Resources
Commission: ISS - Inspirational Session
Chair: Mr. Robert W. Foster, United States

This is an ISS - Inspirational Short Session. The presentations are short, sharp and specific, hence maximize information and idea gathering. Following the inspiring presentations there will be a lively discussion.

Dilek Tezel and Şaban Inam (Turkey):
Determination of Plant Sensitivity In Protected Areas For Land Management: Kaş-Kekova Region (9213)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress

Aziz Sisman (Turkey):
Smart Cities Concept and Coverage (9290)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Othman Al-Kherayef (Saudi Arabia), Vasil Valchinov (Bulgaria), Rossen Grebenitcharsky (Saudi Arabia), Stanislava Valcheva (Bulgaria) and Bandar Al-Muslmani (Saudi Arabia):
Refraction Coefficient Determination and Modelling over the Territory of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (9488)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Celal Bacakci and Guler Yalcin (Turkey):
Land Consolidation in Turkey and Land Consolidation Project at State of Kayseri-Bünyan (9558)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

Use and Application of STDM - Session 2
Chair: Mr. John Gitau, Kenya
Rapporteur: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria

Continuation of Session 1

10 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS09C: GIS as a Critical Tool in Disaster Preparedness, Recovery and Management
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Juerg Luethy, Switzerland
Rapporteur: Prof. Hartmut Müller, Germany

The primary function of government is to protect life and property. This involves not just crisis-reactive responses to emergencies, but also finding ways to avoid problems in the first place and preparing for those that for sure will occur. The aim of the session is to build a database in a GIS frame that helps emergency management officers in decision making, focusing on preparedness, mitigation, and response efforts.

Njike Chigbu, Esther Ogbonyealu Mbah and Ignatius Anyanwu (Nigeria):
Assessment of Flood Risk of Cross River State Using Geographic Information System (GIS). (9276)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ceren Yagci and Fatih Iscan (Turkey):
Analysis of Earthquake Risk Zones with Geographic Information Systems in Konya/TURKEY (9438)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Sevda Erturk, Murat Demircan and Selda Erdogan (Turkey):
Locating Fire Stations at the Most Convenient Location (9552)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS09E: Geodetic Algorithms
Commission: 5
Chair: Dr. Leonid Lipatnikov, Russian Federation
Rapporteur: Ms. Emel Zeray Öztürk, Turkey

Gacoki Thomas Gicira (Kenya):
Polynomial Transformation of Cassini Coordinates to UTM on the Excel Spreadsheet (9237)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ömür Engin Demirkol, Mehmet Ozan Fakioglu, Numan Cakmak and Ahmet Guntel (Turkey):
Definition of a Unique Transformation Parameters for Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Area of Responsibility (9645)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Hamza Alkhatib, Boris Kargoll, Jens-André Paffenholz and Johannes Bureick (Germany):
Statistical Evaluation of the B-Splines Approximation of 3D Point Clouds (9634)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Emel Zeray Öztürk (Turkey), Walyeldeen Godah (Poland) and Ramazan Alpay Abbak (Turkey):
Analysis of De-Correlation Filters Performance for Estimating Temporal Mass Variations Determined from GRACE-Based GGMS over Konya Basin (9625)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Tim Kaiser, Christian Clemen and Robert Kaden (Germany):
Structure from Motion - Quantitative Evaluation of structure from motion software for the 3D-reconstruction of traffic accidents (9534)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS09G: Fit-for-Purpose – Fit-for-People
Commission: 7
Chair: Mr. Brent Jones, United States
Rapporteur: Mr. Cromwell Manaloto, Italy

Mila Koeva, Sopie Crommelinck (Netherlands), Claudia Stöcker (Netherlands) and Joep Crompvoets (Belgium):
Its4land - Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Innovative Geospatial Tools for Fit-For-Purpose Land Rights Mapping (9425)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Timothy Fella (USA):
Delivering Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration (9454)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Thomas Dabiri (Nigeria):
Cadastral Data Infrastructure Building Strategy In Delta State of Nigeria. (9540)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Eva-Maria Unger, Christiaan Lemmen, Divyani Kohli (Netherlands), Simon Norfolk (Mozambique) and Shristi Paudel (Nepal):
Fit – For Purpose Land Administration - Assessment of efficiency and effectiveness of paper-based and digital data collection Case of Colombia, Mozambique and Nepal (9549)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Paula Dijkstra (Netherlands), Danilo Antonio (Kenya), Raja Ram Chhatkuli (Nepal), Wondimagegm Tesfaye Beshah (Ethiopia) and Shristee Singh Shrestha (Nepal):
Implementation of Fit For Purpose Land Administration Approaches in Nepal (9550)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

TS09H: Technology Transforming Spatial Planning
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Edwin Addo Tawiah, Ghana
Rapporteur: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Netherlands

Big Data is seen today as a driver for the GNSS and Positioning Industry. More Institutions are turning on data driven insights for prediction, forecasting and accuracy needs in decision making. The UAV’s and GNSS’s are tools that are sure to enhance spatial planning.

Victor Nnam, Chukwubueze Onwuzuligbo and John Nnam (Nigeria):
Applications of Geoinformatics and Mapping in the Development of Divine Hectares Estate, Enugu Lifestyle and Golf City, Nigeria. (9315)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Agoes Soewandito Soedomo, Bambang Edhi Leksono, Didik Wihardi W. Soerowidjojo, Levana Apriani and Nanin Trianawati Sugito (Indonesia):
The Using of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology for Land Acquisition in Highway Construction Area (9347)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Bambang Edhi Leksono, Agoes Soewandito Soedomo, Andri Hernandi, Levana Apriani, Atifah Rabbani and Nanin Trianawati Sugito (Indonesia):
Land Parcel Mapping with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology to Accelerate Land Certification in Cisumdawu Highway Construction Area (9354)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Ana Cornelia Badea and Gheorghe Badea (Romania):
Advantages of Identifying Urban Footprint using Sentinel-1 (9376)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Maria Henriques, Rute Lemos, Rui Capitao, Ricardo Jonatas, Fortes Conceicao and Hugo Silva (Portugal):
Accessing the Accuracy of Surveying/Photogrammetric Methods to Identify Damages on Physical Models of Rubble Mound Breakwaters (9511)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Adin Adnan Rashid Beg and Lutfiye Karasaka (Turkey):
3D Modeling of Kilistra Ancient City Buildings with Terrestrial Laser Scanning (9537)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Laurence Lee (Ireland):
A Field GIS Solution to Derelict Sites and Dangerous Structures Management (9621)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS09I: Mass Appraisal Challenges and Solutions for a Smarter World
Commission: 9
Chair: Mr. Richard Grover, United Kingdom
Rapporteur: Mr. Manohar Velpuri, Denmark

Mass valuation is a core institutional component of most western economies. Adapting the lessons learned to developing countries and refining existing systems for better performance will help foster superior performance. This session will explore these national experiences and challenges and provide insights for better performance in the future..

Sukran Yalpir, Fatma Bunyan Unel and Birol Gulnar (Turkey):
Comparison of Factors Affecting the Plot Value According to Participants and Provinces (9498)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Haicong Yu, Xuan Wang and Ying Liu (China, PR):
Using Geographic Information System for Land Mass Appraisal -- The Application of Standardized Price of Land Appraisal in Shenzhen (9419)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fatma Bunyan Unel and Sukran Yalpir (Turkey):
Sustainable Mass Land Valuation (9439)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nanin Sugito, Irawan Sumarto, Hendriatiningsih Sadikin and Bambang Leksono (Indonesia):
Integration of Market Price Comparison Approach and Income Approach in Urban Land Assessment (9483)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Bülent Bostancı, Hülya Demir and Ahmet İlvan (Turkey):
GIS Supported Decision Making Model to Housing Suitability Assessment (9492)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May


10 May
EMIRGAN HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

History Session 2 - Medieval Measurements in the Cadastres of Antiquity
Commission: History
Chair: Mr. John Brock, Australia

Ramazan Gürsel Hoşbaş, Atınç Pırtı and Ercenk Ata (Turkey):
Surveying Instruments Used in Roman Civilization (9296)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mehmet Yildirir and Bilal Curabaz (Turkey):
Historical Development of Turkish Cadastre: Cadastral works during Ottoman Empire, Legislative Regulations and Reflections to Republic of Turkey (9341)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Adam Lyszkowicz (Poland):
The Ancient Maps of the Salt Mine in Wieliczka (9369)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

STDM Code Sprint - Session 1
Chair: Mr. John Gitau, Kenya
Rapporteur: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria

The session will give a technical overview of the STDM project where participants will be taken through the current status, priorities and roadmap of the project. An orientation to some of the tools and platforms used in the development of STDM will be provided and participants will get hands-on experience on how to report bugs, propose UI/UX improvements and support internationalization of the tool’s user interface. Participants will also learn about open source collaboration, development and licensing. At the end of the session, it is expected that young surveyors will have the essential skills to actively engage and contribute to the development of STDM.


  • Identify performance bottlenecks and bugs in the STDM tool.
  • Propose UI/UX enhancements.
  • Internationalization of the user interface by enriching the current translations and incorporating new languages.
For more information, please visit
10 May
MACKA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

Round Table on Property for Women in Muslim Countries (UN-Habitat GLTN & FIG)
Chair: Mrs. Gerda Schennach, Austria
Rapporteur: GLTN

Mr. Rafic Khouri, Arab Union of Surveyors
Publication: Women and Land in the Muslim World

Mr. Oumar Sylla, Head, GLTN Secretariat
Women and Land Rights in Post Conflict

Roundtable Discussion
facilitated by Gerda Schennach, Chair FIG Commission 7

10 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS10C: Land Administration System - SIM - BIM - 3D Models II
Commission: 3
Chair: Mr. Daniele Brancato, Italy
Rapporteur: Dr. Maria Grazia Scorza, Italy

The presentations in this session describe the use of a geographic information system (GIS) in emergency management efforts for disaster preparedness, mitigation, and response, and summarize an ongoing effort to build a GIS-based decision support system for Emergency Management.

Abbas Rajabifard, Behnam Atazadeh, Mohsen Kalantari and Ian Williamson (Australia):
A New Method for Integrating 3D Spatial Information about Vertically Stratified Ownership Properties into the Property Map Base (9241)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Dragan Divjak, Miodrag Roić and Doris Pivac (Croatia):
Towards Sustainable Land Administration Infrastructure in Croatia (9279)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Ekaterina Meskhidze (Georgia):
“The Importance of NSDI - Case of Georgia” (9662)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS10E: Geodetic Risk Monitoring
Commission: 5
Chair: Mr. Nic Donnelly, New Zealand
Rapporteur: Ms. Ceren Yagci, Turkey

Gokhan Baskan, Ismail Sanlioglu and Mustafa Zeybek (Turkey):
The Investigation of Halabjah/ Iraq Earthquakes Effects From Turkish National Permanent GNSS Network Data (9622)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mehmet Nurullah Alkan, Volkan Özbey, Hasan Hakan Yavaşoğlu, Reha Metin Alkan (Turkey) and Frédéric Masson (France):
Determination of Seismic Activity on the Main Marmara Fault with GPS Measurements (9467)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Chris Pearson (New Zealand), Kevin Kelly (USA) and Paul Denys (New Zealand):
Feasibility of Developing a Regional Deformation Model for the South Pacific (9289)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Niraj Manandha (Nepal), chris pearson (New Zealand), Puran Chaudhary (Nepal) and Paul Denys (New Zealand):
Progress Towards a Semi-Dynamic Datum for Nepal After the 2015 Gorka Earthquake (9383)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

navXperience AWARD WINNER:
Wan Anom Wan Aris
, Tajul Ariffin Musa, Kamaludin Mohd Omar (Malaysia) and Abdullah Hisam Omar (Malaysia):
Non-Linear Crustal Deformation Modeling for Dynamic Reference Frame: A Case Study in Peninsular Malaysia (9268)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Bongbae Jang, Deputy Director General, June-Hwan Koh, Professor, Chulmin Jun, Professor and Sungkil Cho, Professor (Republic of Korea):
Investigation on Appropriate Surveying Method Following the Establishment of national Disaster Damage Investigation System (9678)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS10F: French Session II
Chair: Jean-Francois Dalbin, France
Rapporteur: Dr. Leopold Degbegnon, Benin

The session is in French to permit an active participation for the non-English speaking members of FGF (Federation of the French Speaking Surveyors).

Emile Adjoumany Kokoh (Cote D 'Ivoire):
L'accès à la propriété foncière en zone urbaine en Côte d'Ivoire (9687)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Mourad Maroc (Algeria):
Conservation Et Valorisation Du Patrimoine pour un Developpement Durable de la Region du Tassili Najjer (9725)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Marc Vanderschueren (Belgium):
La Fédération des géomètres francophones (FGF), plus de dix ans déjà (9682)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Maurice Barbieri, President (Switzerland):
Le rôle du géomètre dans la mise en œuvre de projets de réforme foncière (9683)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Godelive Phanzu Bitaka (Democratic Republic of Congo):
L exercice de la profession des géomètres en République Démocratique du Congo (9684)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Luc Lanoy (France):
Le relevé du niveau des mers (9685)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS10G: Modelling Diversity of Land Tenure
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Christiaan Lemmen, Netherlands

Emin Bank (Turkey):
How to Build An Ideal Property Information System (9215)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nelson Marongwe, Hellen Nyamweru and Danilo Antonio (Kenya):
Securing Land Rights within the Continuum of Land Rights Approach: Evidence from Tenure Security Innovation in Kenya,Uganda and Zambia (9230)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Abdulvahit Torun (Turkey):
Geodata Enabled Hierarchical Blockchain Architecture for Resolving Boundary Conflicts in Cadastre Surveys and Land Registration (9260)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Cemal Biyik, Fatih Doner and Fatih Berk (Turkey):
Turkish Land Management at Historical Process (9447)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gabriel Arancibia and Chiemeka Ngwu (Canada):
The (R)evolution of the Land Registry and Cadastre in Plateau State: Towards an Efficient, Sustainable and Secure Land Governance Solution (9600)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Glendon Newsome (Jamaica) and Charisse Griffith-Charles (Trinidad And Tobago):
Digital Integration of Land Records through the LADM and STDM (9653)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Harun Tanrivermis, Yesim Aliefendioglu and Salih Demirkaya (Turkey):
Problem Definitions and Transformation of Urban Slum Areas and Urban Renewal Policies: A Case Study in Ankara Province, Turkey (9669)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

TS10H: Urban Innovations and Mobility Challenges
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Cornel Paunescu, Romania
Rapporteur: Mr. Ionut Savoiu, Romania

The world has become urbanized requiring functional systems that can allow cities to cope with the ever increasing mobility challenges in urban settings. It is therefore necessary to discuss mobility challenges within the context of security, environmental, climatic and innovative solutions as the urban sprawl increases.

Fadim Koc, Fatih Iscan and Ceren Yagci (Turkey):
Determination of The Most Suitable Location For Retail Shopping Store By Using Geographic Information Systems Technology: A Case Study of Konya/TURKEY (9434)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Pamela Duran, Tobias Bendzko and Sahinkaya Cemre (Germany):
Urban Regeneration in Context of Two Different Planning Approaches: A Case Study of Sulukule (Istanbul, Turkey) and Haidhausen (Munich, Germany) (9440)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Tansu Alkan, S. Savas Durduran and Asli Bozdag (Turkey):
The Problems and General Evaluation of the Spatial Address Registry System (SARS) Project in Turkey (9448)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Nuri Erdem and Fazil Nacar (Turkey):
The Importance of the Main Transportation Axes in the Reduction of Traffic Density in the Urban: The Example of Osmaniye Province (9494)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Punya Prasad Oli, Sumitra Shrestha and Ashim Babu Shrestha (Nepal):
Preparation of Geodatabase for Urban Planning in Nepal (9568)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
CAMLICA HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

TS10I: Overcoming Extreme Challenges in Opaque Land Markets
Commission: 9
Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece
Rapporteur: Mr. Steven Nystrom, United States

Opaque poorly developed land markets pose very unusual problems and constraints for a market and national economy. This session will explore how these extreme challenges are being faced and possibly overcome.

Jim Mason and Hollie Escott, Quantity Surveyor (United Kingdom):
Exploring How Smart Contracts Will Impact on the Role of Construction Professionals (9201)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Harun Tanrivermis (Turkey):
The Recent Developments of Real Estate and Assets Valuation Studies and Analysis of Fundamental Problems in Turkey (9666)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Odetha Nyarubaji, Felician Komu and Eric Mwaikambo (Tanzania):
Addressing Uncertainty in Property Depreciation Rate Estimation Using Fuzzy Logic Modelling (9248)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fiona Mannix (United Kingdom):
Unlocking the Natural Capital Premium in International Land Valuation (9357)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Benjamin Elder (United Kingdom):
Prop-Tech – A Challenge to Valuation as we know it? (9183)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Chryssy Potsiou (Greece) and Steven Nystrom (USA):
UNECE / FIG Guide on Formalizing the Informal Real Estate (9642)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Kwabena Asiama
(Netherlands), Rohan Bennett (Australia), Jaap Zevenbergen (Netherlands) and Seth Asiama (Ghana):
Land Valuation in Support of Responsible Land Consolidation on Ghana’s Rural Customary Lands (9214)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

10 May

Afternoon Break

10 May
HAMIDIYE HALL, Istanbul Congress Center

ILMS Meeting (International Land Measurement Standards Coalition)
Chair: Mr. James Kavanagh, United Kingdom

  • By invitation
Land measurement standards are a complex but important subject. There is a real opportunity to make land professionals part of the solution of many issues the world is facing. It suffices to think about the land based investment, tenure security, underlying geoinformation and rapid urbanisation issues and the need to have standards in this field.
10 May
EMIRGAN HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

STDM Code Sprint - Session 2
Chair: Mr. John Gitau, Kenya
Rapporteur: Ms. Eva-Maria Unger, Austria

Continuation of Session 1

10 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS11C: GIS - Cartography - Aerophotogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Commission: 3
Chair: Dr. Enrico Rispoli, Italy
Rapporteur: Mr. Cromwell Manaloto, Italy

Evangelos Maltezos, Charalabos Ioannidis, Anastasios Doulamis, and Nikolaos Doulamis (Greece):
Building Change Detection Using Semantic Segmentation on Analogue Aerial Photos (9252)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This is a peer reviewed paper.

Umut Gunes Sefercik, Serkan Karakis and Can Atalay (Turkey):
Roof Modelling Potential of UAV Point Clouds by Laser Scanning (9356)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Fatih Iscan and Ceren Yagci (Turkey):
Investigation of the Effect of Transportation Network on Urban Growth by Using Landsat Images and Geographic Information Systems (9441)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Renny Putriyani and G A Putri Saptawati (Indonesia):
Analysis of Spatial Data (9445)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

TS11E: Terrestrial Laser Scanning
Commission: 5 & 6
Chair: Dr. David Martin, France
Rapporteur: Mr. Erol Uysal, Turkey

Ephraim Friedli, Jonathan Banz, Zan Gojcic and Andreas Wieser (Switzerland):
Fusion of Laser Scanning and Photogrammetric Data for the Documentation and VR Visualization of an Archaeological Tomb Complex (9523)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

John Laurent, Benoit Petitclerc and Eric Samson (Canada):
High Resolution Multi-Lane Road Surface Mapping Using 3D Laser Profilers (9334)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Adil Arslan, Research Assistant (Turkey) and Asparuh Kamburov, Assistant Professor (Bulgaria):
Application of Terrestrial Lidar for 3D Modelling of the Bulgarian Antarctic Station “st. Kliment Ohridski” (9272)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Asep Yusup Saptari, Hendriatiningsih Sadikin, Dony Bagaskara and Levana Apriani (Indonesia):
Three Dimensional Modelling of Building Tangible Assets Using Terrestrial Laser Scanner (9530)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Gintcho Kostov (Bulgaria):
Combination of 3D Terrestrial Laser Scanning and GNSS Technologies for Measurement of hard /Impossible/ to Access Objects of Cadastre in the Process of data Acquisition for the Required Update of the Cadastral plan (9513)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 2, Istanbul Congress Center

TS11G: Cadastre – towards a fully Digital Future
Commission: 7
Chair: Prof. Jennifer Whittal, South Africa
Rapporteur: Prof. Ana-Cornelia Badea, Romania

Sevkiye Sence Turk (Turkey):
Value Capture Capacity of Area-Based Land Readjustment (LR) in Turkey (9306)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Gyula Iván (Hungary):
Challenges in Technology, Society and Policy - How They Influence Cadastre and Land Management (9499)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Anselm Haanen and Trent Gulliver (New Zealand):
A Vision for a Fully Digital Cadastral Survey System - Replacing Plan Images with Data and its Integration into a Complete Digital Cadastral Survey Network (9506)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Brent Jones (USA):
Modernizing Land Administration Systems (9451)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

10 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 3, Istanbul Congress Center

TS11H: The Role of Spatial Planning in Sustainable Development
Commission: 8
Chair: Mr. Kwame Tenadu, Ghana
Rapporteur: Ms. Marije Louwsma, Netherlands

Punya Oli (Nepal):
Land Use Zoning towards the Fulfillment of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (9273)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Alena Kasyanenka, Aliaksandr Khizhniak and Uladzimir Tainikau (Belarus):
Spatial Planning in Belarus: Towards Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals 2030 (9355)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Abdurrahman Eymen and Bülent Bostancı (Turkey):
Assessment of Urban Forests by Using Spatial Decision Support System (9520)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Zainal A Majeed (Malaysia):
Geographical Names: Detailing Map and Enhancing GIS (9641)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]
This paper was not presented at FIG Congress.

Bazame Rodrigue and Harun Tanrivermis (Turkey):
Role of Land Development Institutions for Sustainable Land Use: A Comparative Analysis of Turkey with Some Selected Countries (9665)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Haocong Wang (China, PR):
Planning Practicum-Based on Sustainable Development (9695)
[abstract] [paper] [handouts]

Friday, 11 May
11 May
BEYLERBEYI HALL 1, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG President's Meeting
Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece

This event is convened by the FIG President and is reserved for Presidents or Heads of delegation of Member Associations (or their representatives)

  • By invitation only

11 May
ÜSKÜDAR HALL 1, 2 & 3, Istanbul Congress Center

FIG General Assembly - part 2
Chair: Prof. Dr. Chryssy Potsiou, FIG President, Greece

31. Reports from

  • Association-,
  • Affiliate-,
  • Academic-,
  • Regional Bodies-, - [report]
  • Corporate Members Forums - [report]

32. Reports from Commissions - [report]
33. Reports from

  • Networks,
    • FIG Young Surveyors Network -  [report]
    • Africa FIG Regional Capacity Development Network by Diane Dumashie - [report]
    • Asia/Pacific FIG Regional Capacity Development Network by Rob Sarib - [report]
  • Task Forces,
  • Permanent Institutions,
  • FIG Foundation -  [report]

35. Report on the FIG Working Week 2021 In Accra, Ghana -  [report] [video]
36. Report on the FIG Working Week 2020 In Amsterdam, The Netherlands -  [report] [video]
37. Report on the FIG Working Week 2019 In Hanoi, Vietnam -  [report] [video]
38. Closing by FIG president  - [presentation]

Closing video

11 May
Istanbul Congress Center, B2 Foyer

Farewell Reception, hosted by FIG Working Week 2019

Delegates are invited to farewell the FIG Congress 2018 and its host city in an informal environment. Join us as we toast to a successful event and at the same time have a taste of FIG Working Week 2019 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

  • All participants are invited.
  • Hosted by FIG Working Week 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam.

© International Federation of Surveyors, FIG 2018