FIG Commission 9 - Valuation and the Management of Real Estate


"FIG Commission 9 is focusing on the economic strand of surveying and specifically the valuation/appraisal of real estate. Commission 9 also looks at compulsory acquisition, sustainable land and property taxation, new technology such as AVMs, informal land markets, new sectors such as natural-ecosystem value and international standards such ILMS and IVSC valuation standards and methodology. Commission 9 is also engaged with numerous agencies such as World Bank, UN FAO, GLTN, and IFC. "

Click for more information about FIG Commission 9

What we do

For the term 2023-2026 FIG Commission 9 will be working on:

PDF: Work Plan
VIDEO: Chair of the commission Peter Ache takes you through the work plan


Chair of FIG Commission 9:
Peter Ache, Germany

Join Commission 9 on LinkedIn


Learn more about how Commission 9 is working with the SDG's




Commission 9 online workshop 24 September 2024
Read more

FIG Regional Conference 2024
14-16 November 2024,
Kathmandu, Nepal

FIG Working Week 2025

6-10 April 2025 in Brisbane, Australia

Enhancing Property Valuation with AI – online workshop

FIG Commission 9 on Valuation and the Management of Real Estate invite to this webinar. Get insights from Nicosia's Apartment Market

Read more here


Commission 9 at FIG Working Week 2024

June 2024

The FIG Working Week 2024 was held from 19-24 May in Accra, Ghana. During the conference, Commission 9 had organised severaly sessions in the tehcnical programme and conducted its annual meeting. Additionally, the progress of all commissions was presented at the General Assembly.

> Annual report to General Assembly
> Minutes General Assembly
> Proceedings/Technical programme
> Report Annual Meeting
> Conference Website


Real Estate Market Transparency Research  Survey

FIG Commission 9 and its partners encourages you to help them and fill in the survey. If you cannot fill in the survey, maybe you can help us and forward it to others.
Help us and fill in the survey



More News from FIG Commission 9




Work Plans




Working Groups


Key Documents


Meet the officers

Commission Chair

Mr. Peter R. Ache, Germany
Contact: FIGCommission9 [at]

Working Group Chairs:

Chair of Working Group 9.1 Definition of Transparency on Real Estate Markets
Indicative: Bastiaan Reydorn, NL
(To be finalised at one of the next meetings of the Working Group 9.1)
Chair of Working Group 9.2 Best practice Cases on Transparent Real estate Markets
(To be finalised at one of the next meetings of the Working Group 9.2)
Chair of Working Group 9.3 Automated Valuation Modelling (AVM) with machine learning and artificial intelligence
Preliminary: Steven Nystrom, NSPS (USA)
(To be finalised at one of the next meetings of the Working Group 9.3)


List of all Officers


Delegates and Correspondents:

Each member association has the right to nominate a delegate to each of the ten technical commissions. In addition Affiliates, Academic Members and Corporate Members  are welcome to nominate a correspondent to each commission.

Interested? If you are interested to become a national delegate from your country, please contact your member association. The contact information of national delegates is updates by the FIG office. Any changes in contact information should be sent to the FIG Office.


This work promotes the careful consideration of a transparent, fair, fast and relatively cost efficient real estate taxation system that could be applied successfully in some developing and transitional economies. Read the publication    


Term 2019-2022
Term 2015-2018
Term 2011-2014
Term 2007-2010
Term 2003-2006

Working Groups

Term 2023-2026 

WG 9.1: Definition of Transparency on Real Estate Markets
WG 9.2: Best practice Cases on Transparent Real estate Markets  
WG 9.3: Automated Valuation Modelling (AVM) with machine learning and artificial intelligence

Work plan


Task Force

FIG Task Force on Property and Housing

FIG Task Force on Real Estate Market Study


Newsletter - 2018
Newsletter - 2017
Newsletter - 2016


FIG Publications

FIG Pub. no. 67: property Taxation for Developing Economies

FIG Proceedings

List of FIG Conference Proceedings
FIG Surveyors Reference Library


All events

Reports to General Assembly

Report, May 2020
Report, Hanoi, Vietnam. 2019
Report, Helsinki, Finland, 2017

All reports