News in 2024

Will you be our host in 2029?

August 2024

FIG Council is announcing the call for bids for the FIG Working Week 2029


The FIG Working Weeks are the yearly main event for surveyors from all over the world.

The bid for this prestigious event for 2029 is now announced and in the bid manual you can read more about the requirements for the bid.

The General Assembly 2025 in Brisbane, Australia will elect the destination for and host of this major FIG event.

Submission eadline: 6 December 2024

Will it be your association?

FIG Council invites all member associations to consider submitting a bid to host thie prestigious FIG Working Week 2029 together with the Federation. The organisation of the Working Week is done jointly between FIG and the national member association(s).

The opportunity of being host makes it possible for a destination country and city as well as the national association(s) to:

  • put specific focus on and attention to key areas relevant to surveyors that are important to the country/region
  • have powerful influence on themes and topics for the Working Week
  • bring the international surveying community to the country/city
  • bring relevant international key capacities to the country
  • welcome delegates from 90-100 countries to your city
  • invite national colleagues to engage with the international community
  • highlight national initiatives
  • leave a powerful legacy - at the destination and within FIG
  • and at the same time have a "once-in-a-lifetime experience"...

Instructions and explanations are presented in the Bid Manual. In case of questions and considerations do not hesitate to contact FIG Director Louise Friis-Hansen.

The deadline for the submission of bids is: 6 December 2024


Louise Friis-Hansen
August 2024