Commission 2

NEWSLETTER, April 1995

Dear Colleagues

Please find enclosed a package of information concerning the activities of FIG Commission 2 for Professional Education. The information includes:

Executive summary of the Commission 2 events at the XX FIG Congress in Melbourne.

- Commission 2 Resolutions, 1994, as adopted at the Melbourne Congress.
- Commission 2 Work Plan for 1994 - 1998.
- Commission 2 Report to the 62nd PC Meeting in Berlin 1995.
- List of National Delegates to FIG Commission 2

In total these papers represents the current and future profile of the FIG Commission 2 activities for the next period of office, and I would welcome any comments or suggestions that you may have regarding the contents.

Working Groups and Work Plan
The work plan aims to fulfil the resolution of the Melbourne Congress. Five working groups have been established and the appointed chairmen have commenced their tasks. The terms of reference are in place and the progress of the working groups will be presented and discussed at the Commission 2 meeting during the approaching PC Meeting in Berlin.

All national delegates are encouraged to join the work. Please just contact the chairman of the working group having your specific interest. The list of Commission 2 officers, including addresses of the working goup chairmen are attached to the work plan.

The work plan try to focus on well posed problems identified as representing some of the main educational challenges facing the international surveying profession. The tasks are stated in such a way that they can be finished within this period of office. However, there are two exceptions to this this principle: the project of revising the ISCED (resolution 2/1-1994) and the project of providing institutional support to developing countries (resolution 2/7-1994). These two projects have to be identified as long term ones (see Commission 2 Report to PC Meeting in Berlin).

The objectives of FIG Commission 2 can only be persued by involving as many national delegates as possible. I would like to invite all national delegates to comment on the work plan and I would welcome any suggestions and proposals for further tasks or items to be addressed during this term of office. Therefore, please write me about your thoughts and ideas.

PC Meeting in Berlin, May 21 - 26, 1995
The PC Meeting in Berlin is approaching and I do hope to meet many of you there.

Due to the rather tight programme of the meeting we have organized for having a Commission 2 working-meeting at Sunday morning the 21st of May from 10 to 12 in the Berlin Congress Centre. The meeting will focus on reports from the working group chairmen and discussions for undertaking the future work. All national delegates to Commission 2 are most welcome to join this working-meeting if possible according to your time of arrival. However, we should also organize a national delegate meeting to be held during the PC Meeting - possible Monday May 22 at 17.00 in the Berlin Congress Centre. Please watch the notice board for announcement of time and room number.

Calender of Events
May 21-26, 1995 - FIG PC Meeting and International Symposium, Berlin, Germany.

May 29-31, 1995 - XV North American Geomatics Teachers Conference, Quebec, Canada. Commission 2 is made a permanent invitee in this event. Commission chairman will participate and present a paper about the Commission 2 objectives and activities. The paper is prepared together with Prof. Jud Rouch (US) who is appointed regional secretary to FIG Commission 2.

August 13-17, 1995 - FIG/CASTLE Seminar "Sustainable Development", Herare, Zimbawe. This is the first FIG seminar established in developing countries. More than 60 abstracts have been received for this important event. Commission chairman and officers will participate and present papers and help establish African Regional Working Parties for developing appropriate educational programmes for surveyors.

April 15-19, 1996 - FIG PC Meeting and International Symposium, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A FIG Commission 2 seminar on Professional Education is under preparation and a number of abstracts are already received.

September, 1996 - FIG Commission 2 Seminar/Workshop, Helsinki, Finland. The seminar will be organized by the vice-chairman Prof. Kirsi Artimo and it will deal with a number of educational topics including Computer Assisted Learning. During the seminar the activities of the Congress in Brighton will be prepared.

May 11-16, 1997 - FIG PC Meeting, Singapore. A Commission 2 Seminar on Educational Issues in East Asia should be prepared.

July 18-25, 1998 - XXI FIG Congress, Brighton, United Kingdom.

My best regards and looking forward to see many of you soon in Berlin.

Yours Sincerely

Stig Enemark
Chairman of FIG Commission 2
Last modified: May 1995

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