FIG Member Associations

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Full membership of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) is open to a national association representing one or more of the disciplines of surveying (see the following FIG definition of a surveyor) and whose members

  • possess relevant academic qualifications (which should normally be equivalent to at least UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) level 5 degrees) plus approved professional experience; and
  • who provide professional services in accordance with ethical standards.

Associations which include technician grades of membership are also eligible for membership of the Federation.

A group of surveyors or surveying organisation, comprised of individuals who practise the profession of surveying, which does not fulfil the criteria for membership as a member association can be admitted to join the Federation as an affiliate member. An affiliate may be admitted to membership where the discipline or disciplines it represents are not already represented within the Federation by a member association from the same country. The admission of an affiliate should normally be a step towards the development of an association which can eventually become a member association.

Each category of membership provides opportunities for establishing contact with the international surveying community and thereby assisting with the development of indigenous academic and professional training programmes, including CPD facilities, and the development of technical and professional standards.

Only member associations are entitled to vote at FIG’s annual administrative meetings. An affiliate and other members may nominate a representative to attend as an observer. All FIG members receive copies of FIG publications, monthly e-Newsletters and the Annual Review; and are entitled to nominate one delegate to each of FIG’s ten technical commissions. Participation to the Commission work is one of the most important benefits of membership of FIG. However these benefits only come about if those nominated as delegates participate in the work of the commissions and publicise the results within their own countries; and FIG has therefore published guidelines for its members and for their national commission delegates.

As from 1 January 2019 the annual fee payable by a member association is 4.80 € per member of the association for a calendar year. Minimum fee is 20 members or 50 € per member association and maximum fee 5,500 members (24,640 €). Member associations from the poorest countries (countries listed by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies) shall pay 2.40 € per member up to a maximum of 5,500 members in 2019. 

An association wishing to apply for full membership should complete the relevant application form and return it to the Council. Applications are assessed first by the Council, which decides whether to recommend them for approval by the General Assembly.

In the case of an application received from an association in a country which already has one or more member associations, these associations shall be informed of the application and their comments sought.

Application form in .pdf-format
Application form as word doc


1. Name of association 
– in own language  _______________________________________________
– in English (if different from above)  _______________________________________________
2. Address  _______________________________________________
3. Telephone  _______________________________________________
4. Fax  _______________________________________________
5.a E-mail  _______________________________________________
5b. Web site address  _______________________________________________
5c. Logo (please attach a high resolution logo of the association as .jpg file or add the link:  _______________________________________________
6. Name of President  _______________________________________________
7. Administration
Is the above address the address of the permanent office of the association? If so, please state the name of the chief executive and the number of any other permanent staff members
8. Date of formation of association _______________________________________________ 
9. Objectives and ethics
Please summarise on a separate sheet the objectives of the association and state whether it enforces disciplinary procedures; and enclose a copy of its constitution and rules (including, where applicable, its code of conduct).
10. Routes of entry to membership
Please provide the following information on a separate sheet
– the title held by qualified members of the association
– the level of academic qualification required to obtain the title
– whether academic training programmes to this level are available in your country (if not, please state how and where members obtain their academic training)
– what approved professional experience is required on completion of academic training and prior to acquisition of the title
– what the requirements are for continuing professional development and whether this is mandatory or voluntary
–if the association also admits technician or sub-professional members and, if so, the qualifications required for entry to this grade of membership
11. Members
No. of holders the title
– qualified _____
– qualifying _____
No. of technician or sub-professional members
– qualified  _____
– qualifying  _____
12. Specialisations
% of qualified members whose principal specialisation is
– hydrography _____
– positioning/measurement _____
– engineering surveys _____
– cadastre/land management _____
– spatial planning/development _____
– valuation/real estate management _____
– construction cost management _____
13. Statutory recognition
Is the association constituted by statute?
Please list on a separate sheet those activities undertaken by your members which are regulated by statute and state whether any or all of these can be performed only by members of your association. If not, please state who else can acquire the title to perform any of the activities.
14. Employment
% of qualified members _____
– self-employed and 
employed in private practice
– teaching _____
– employed by government _____
– employed in the commercial 
or other sectors
15. Subscriptions _____
Please state the annual subscription payable by each grade of membership
16. Services to members
Does the association publish a journal (if so, please state title and frequency)
Please list on a separate sheet any other services that the association provides for its members.

©2025 FIG