September 18-21, 2000 Malta

Mediterranean Surveyors in the new Millennium



Seminar sponsored by FIG Commissions 2,4,5,6 and 7 and The Land Surveyor’s Society - Malta


Technical Program


Monday 18

09.30-11.00: Opening ceremony: Chair R. Camilleri & J-M Becker

11.30-13.30 The Survey market and profession: Chair B. Foster & K. Virrantaus

14.30 – 17.30 Reports on the situation for Mediterranean countries: Chair J-M Becker & P. Prendergast

Presentation of the state of the art in each country regarding education, CPD, market, working conditions, geodetic infrastructure etc. Specific needs and problems in each country for the surveyors should be discussed. Especially reports from Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Spain, Greece, Turkey etc.


09.00-11.00 Education and Continuous Professional Development: Chair P. Grüssenmeyer & B. Bour

9.00 -11.00 Land management and cadastral issues in the Mediterranean region: Chair B. Ashwin (UK) & Bengt Rystedt (ICA)

11.30-13.30 Standardisation and quality aspects: Chair V. Slaboch & B. Witte

11.30 – 13.30 Navigation Safety and Port Infrastructure: charting perspective: Chair Denis St.Jacques & ?

More to come…

14.30-17.00 Geodetic networks for specific applications: Chair M. Kasser & H. Heister

14.30-17.30 Panel Discussion: The role of the Hydrography in the 21 st. Century: Chair G. Angrissano (IHB) & Denis St.Jacques (C4)

The panel will lead a discussion on th eneeds and roles of the hydrographer in the 21st century. The discussion will focus on, but not be limited to, the following 3 areas:

  1. Education and Training: The education and training of hydrographers continues to be an important issue for hydrographers. In addition, the role of life-long learning and continuos professional development will be examined. Professional ethics and standards may also be considered.
  2. New Technology: The impact of new technology on the hydrographic profession is continually at the forefront of the profession. How can hydrographers keep abreast of new developments in the order to effectively implement them into their daily routine? What is the role of the hydrographer in developing standards? What is the role of the International Standards Organisation?
  3. Sustainable Development: The world is becoming more and more aware of the environment and the issues surrounding sustainable development. Many actions are attempting to implement the recommendations of the United Nations Agenda 21. With over 50% of the world's population living within a few kilometres of the sea, hydrographers have a roll to play in moving forward with the implementation of Agenda 21 in marine areas.


9.00-11.00 New technical trends: Chair A. Chrzanowski & L.Gründig

11.30-13.30 Special topics: Chair M. Mayoud & W.Caspary

14.30-17.00 Other items: Chair G. Schennach & P. Cavero


Technical Tour