Plenary Sessions and Keynote Speakers
Plenary Session 1: Monday 18 May at 11.00-12.30 |
The Surveyors’ Response to
Changing the City Management
Next generation Smart Cities -
the role of Geomatics
Prof. em. Dr. Armin Gruen, Chair for
Information Architecture, Federal Institute of
Technology (ETH) Zurich.
Prof. Dr. Armin Gruen was since 1984
Professor and Head of the Chair of
Photogrammetry at the Institute of Geodesy and
Photogrammetry, Federal Institute of Technology
(ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. Since 1 August 2009
he is retired and is now with the Chair of
Information Architecture, Department of
Architecture, ETH Zurich. Currently he is acting
as a Principal Investigator on the Simulation
Platform of the SEC-FCL (Singapore ETH Centre -
Future Cities Laboratory) in Singapore.
He graduated 1968 as Dipl.-Ing. in Geodetic
Science and obtained his doctorate degree 1974
in Photogrammetry, both from the Technical
University Munich, Germany. From 1969 to 1975 he
worked as Research and Teaching Associate, and
until 1981 as Chief Engineer at the Institute of
Photogrammetry and Cartography, Technical
University Munich. From 1981 to 1984 he acted as
Associate Professor at the Department of
Geodetic Science and Surveying, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. |
Combination of public and
private interests in the process of territorial
planning – challenges for the Bulgarian local
Ms. Valentina Bakalova, Lawyer,
Acting lawyer with more than 20 years of
experience, specialized in the field of
territorial planning, territorial focusing of
investments, organization of the investment
process and legal statute of the properties.
Lecturer in „Administration and urban planning“
at the Univerity of Architecture Civil
Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia. Lecturer at the
Architecture department at the Varna Free
University (2009-2014) and the Legal studies
department of Plovdiv university (1998 - 2001).
Lecturer at seminars and trainings for the
application of the Territorial Planning Law and
the Cadaster and Property Register Law at the
Public Administration, „Krastio Tsonev“ Lawyers
training center, etc. In 1992-1999 a legal
advisor and head of legal section of Sofia
municipality – „Architecture and town planning“
division. Member of Sofia Bar association as of
1999 . Author of numerous publications in the
field of town planning and cadaster. Graduate of
the Law Faculty of the Sofia University in 1987. |
Modern Cartography
Prof. Georg Gartner, Proessor,
Technical University Vienna, Austria
Mr. Georg Gartner is a Full Professor for
Cartography at the Vienna University of
Technology. He holds graduate qualifications in
Geography and Cartography from the University of
Vienna and received his Ph.D. and his
Habilitation from the Vienna University of
Technology. He was awarded a Fulbright grant to
the USA and several research visiting
fellowships. He is Dean for Academic Affairs for
Geodesy and Geoinformation at Vienna University
of Technology. He is Editor of the Book Series
“Lecture Notes on Geoinformation and
Cartography” by Springer and Editor of the
"Journal on LBS" by Taylor & Francis.
He serves currently as President of the
International Cartographic Association. |
Plenary Session 2: Tuesday 19 May at
9.00-10.30 |
The Surveyors’ Response to
Pro-Growth Land Management.
World Bank support to Pro-Growth
Land Management
Mr. Daniel Roberge, Senior
Land Administration Specialist, World Bank,
United States
Mr. Roberge holds a bachelor degree in
Geodesy from Laval University, Canada and a
graduate diploma in International Administration
from the Ecole Nationale d’administration
Publique, Quebec, Canada. After carrying out
several large-scale projects in the private
sector, he joined Québec’s Government, where he
held many managing positions, namely as Head of
the Cadastral registration service, Director of
the Office of the Surveyor General of Quebec,
and Director of the Digital Economy. During this
period he namely led the implementation of the
Québec’s new cadastre, the conception,
development and implementation of the Register
of the Domain of the State and the online
managing system of the Archives of the Surveyor
general of Quebec.
Mr. Roberge has been involved in FIG for many
years, namely as the Canadian delegate of
Commission 7 (Cadastre and Land Management) and
as chair of this Commission from 2011-2014. He
is member of the Board of the Champlain Branch
of Canadian Institute of Geomatics since 2004
and co-chaired two editions of the very
successful GeoConference in 2007 and 2014. Since
2013, he is working for the World Bank as Senior
Land Administration specialist and is involved
on many land related projects worldwide, namely
in Romania, Russia, Kosovo and Palestine. |
Land Administration Reform for Pro Growth Land
Dr. Clarissa Agustinus, Global Land
Tool Network, UN-Habitat, Kenya
Clarissa Augustinus is founder and Lead on
the Global Land Tool Network, a network of over
60 international partners (2004- to date) and
Unit Leader of Land and Global Land Tool
Network, UN-Habitat based in Nairobi, Kenya
(2003- to date). She is the focal point for
urban land in the United Nations system.
Ms. Augustinus holds a Ph.D. in Social
Anthropology from Rhodes University (South
Africa) on the conversion of land from tribal to
informal settlement and a change model of Zulu
tenure (1995). She started her career in land
administration with a South African land
industry grant to understand what the industry
would need to do to be prepared for a new
government. She then became a senior lecturer in
the Department of Land Surveying in the School
of Engineering, Surveying and Construction at
the University of KwaZulu Natal with focus on
land management and cadastral reform
She was involved with a wide range of
consultancies at global, regional and country
level for a wide range of governments and
organisations on range of issues associated with
Moreover she is the author of a number of
journal publications and book chapters in pro
poor land management.
The challenging role of
surveyors in the land management issues related
to growing economies
Mr. Ionut Savoiu, member of Parliament
in Romania and former Managing Director of Blom,
Romania IIonut Savoiu is member of The
Romanian Parliament – Vice-president of IT&C
Commission. Between 2005-2012, he was country
managing director of Blom Romania, Romania and
international consultant in Blom International.
During the Blom Romania period, Ionut Savoiu was
in charge of business development, sales and
projects in Romania and countries in East
Europe. Further Ionut was responsible of mapping
and GIS production for Blom Group. In 2004, he
was appointed as Deputy General Manager of
National Agency for Cadastre and Land
Registration (NACLR), Romania. He is honorary
advisor to the Board of the Romanian Surveyors
Ionut Savoiu graduated from Faculty of
Geodesy – Technical University for Construction
Bucharest, Romania. His diploma was prepared at
Institute for Photogrammetry – Hannover
University, Germany. He holds an MBA at IEDC -
School of management Bled, Slovenia. |
Plenary Session 3: Wednesday 20 May at
9.00-10.30 |
Global and Regional
Professional and Institutional Reforms
UN GGIM from a Global and a
Regional Perspective
Mr. Bengt Kjellson, Director General and
Executive Chief,
Lantmäteriet, Sweden
Bengt Kjellson was
appointed as the Director General and Executive
Chief of Lantmäteriet in July 2011, and before
his appointment to head the authority, Bengt was
Head of Lantmäteriet´s Division for Land
Registration. Lantmäteriet is the Swedish
mapping, cadastral and land registration
authority. He has also been involved in
international matters related to Land
Other assignments
- Chairman of UN GGIM Europe Executive
Committee, 2014--
- Member of board and vice president of
Eurogeograhics, 2012—2014
- Member of the Swedish e-Government
- Chairman of Credit- and Real Estate
Market Advisory board
- Chairman of high level advisory board,
- Faculty of Law, Uppsala University.
Chairman of the Institute of Real Estate
Legal Research, 2005 —, member of board
since 1999.
- Chairman of board for EULIS
- Chairman of UN ECE Working Party on Land
Administration (2001-2005), and Bureau
member 1999—2005.
Bengt got his law degree from University of
Uppsala, Sweden. |
Global and Regional Professional
and Institutional Reform, some actions of the
Mr. Maurice Barbieri, President,
CLGE, Switzerland
Maurice Barbieri was
graduated in 1986 as Dipl. Kulturingenieur at
the Technical School of Zurich (ETH). After
passing the Surveyor’s Federal State exam in
1988, he became Publicly Appointed Surveyor. He
owns the companies Géodétec (Surveying office)
and SIT-Conseil (GIS office). His companies are
active in Switzerland and abroad.
Since 1998 he is member of the Ex-Board of IGS
(Ingenieur-Geometer Schweiz, Surveyors
Association of Switzerland) and President since
Since 2011, he is vice-President of SOGI
Switzerland (Swiss GI Association) and member of
the Ex-Board of EUROGI since 2014.
Between 2010 and 2015, he was Chair of CLGE / IG
PARLS (Interest Group of Publicly Appointed
Surveyors of the European Council of Surveyors).
Since 2015 he is President of CLGE (the Council
of Geodetic European Surveyors). |
Professional Geodetic Education
in Bulgaria – Condition, Problems and
Assoc. Prof. Todor Kostadinov, Bulgaria.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Todor Kostadinov has
been a professor at the University of Civil
engineering, Architecture and Geodesy in Sofia
since 1987. He has graduated from the Higher
Institute of Civil Engineering, Sofia, in 1980
with a Master’s degree in “Geodesy,
Photogrammetry and Cartography”. He has defended
his Ph.D. thesis in the Moscow Institute of
Geodesy, Cartography and aerial images in
Moscow, Russia. He is the Head of Department
Applied Geodesy and is teaching course lectures
on the topic “Geodetic works in designing
infrastructure and complex projects” to the
students from the Faculty of Geodesy, Applied
Geodesy specialization.
He has been a member of the Chamber of Engineers
in Investment Design since 2006 and a member of
the Management Board of the abovementioned
Chamber since 2009. Since 2011 he has been Vice
Chairman of the national department "Geodesy,
Applied Geodesy" and a member of the Board of
the Union of scientists in Bulgaria – Technical
section "Surveying and Land Management" since
2010. |